Never thought I'd see this in my lifetime. Feds actually defending the Constitution from wrongdoers.
Cop Shoots FBI Agent Who Was Arresting Him for Conspiracy Against the Constitution
Two Kentucky Constables (police officers as they’re known in some states) exchanged gunfire last Friday with FBI agents who were attempting to serve a search warrant. One unnamed FBI agent and Pulaski County Fourth District Constable Gary Baldock were both injured by the gunfire after the FBI says Baldock opened fire on them outside his residence. The FBI agent was serving an arrest warrant on Baldock for his repeated alleged violations of the Constitution.
Fifth District Constable Mike “Wally” Wallace as well as Baldock were under investigation for depriving citizens of their constitutional rights. Somerset defense attorney Greg Ousley says he called the FBI after interviewing several of his clients who claimed if they paid the constable money their cases would get dismissed. Ousley, the whistleblower, told reporters:
I contacted the FBI about seven months ago because I had several clients tell me the things that he did to them. My clients would usually have to forfeit money to Wally via fiscal court and [then] get a sweet deal on the rocket docket.
Both alleged dirty cops are now under federal indictment. The paperwork of which reads in part: (snipped)