BOOOOOM! We now have ADDITIONAL COLD HARD PROOF the virus is man made, and specifically intended to destroy the United States
IMPOSSIBLE: Nevada's Democrat governor has just issued an "emergency order" banning use of anti-malaria drugs to treat Coronavirus
Why is this proof he wants people dead to fill an agenda? Because these anti malaria drugs have been approved by the FDA for 70 years and have had ZERO known problems that are outside the scope of other medications that are widely used and well known to be completely safe. Furthermore, the FDA already approved these drugs for use against Coronavirus. Banning the use of these drugs for Coronavirus, when they are proven to work AND APPROVED, is an open act of war against the people of Nevada who did not vote that bastard into power anyway. Banning the use of these drugs is cold hard proof someone has an agenda to fill, and this virus IS IT. It is how they are going to do 911 #2 on the United states, and finalize a new "patriot act" that makes the original look like Disneyland ride rules. The Nevada election was stolen, no one voted that governor in, and the demands Pelosi made for getting coronavirus relief passed are specifically intended to make damn sure that no matter what, the next federal election is completely and perfectly stolen also.
EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE outside of brainwashed youth who have not experienced a damn thing in life (and their brainwashers in the colleges) hates Democrats so bad by now that they don't have a chance in hell of even taking California absent a steal, and I'll bet that they have never actually won that state even once. Just look at what Pelosi is doing - she is holding the American people hostage for the sole purpose of ensuring the next election can be successfully stolen, and if it is not handed to her she'd just as soon see the American people die. She's a clear cut enemy of the American people and the governor of Nevada just stepped up to the front lines and screamed it too, it is now formally midnight on the doom clock, bullets MUST FLY and remove these bastards.
The use of this crisis AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE CRISIS BY BANNING A KNOWN PERFECT TREATMENT is far beyond treason, Pelosi and more need to be more than hung, they need to be put on life support with oxygen and a blood recirculator that puts it right back in them as they lose it while they have their limbs ripped off one by one, followed by a deep fry of the torso and right before that kills them, while on life support, they should THEN be hung. These people are THAT BAD, and they just proved it, there's not one place for them to hide from this truth any more. If this is not enough to have the American people remove them by force (because the system is too subverted to function) we are all going to swirl right down the ol' shitteree. PEOPLE HAD DAMN WELL BETTER DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS.
Please take your grievances to the nearest synagogue, it is THEM DOING THIS. They made this virus, they released this virus, and it is NOT a "China virus".
Trump wants to open everything back up (tomorrow) if possible, and HE SHOULD. WE HAVE THE F***ING CURE. what TF is wrong with the Democrats?
Oh, and by the way, the idiots that killed themselves with aquarium cleaner did not understand that chemistry has to be exact, and that adding phosphate would not work. It was the phosphate component of what they used that killed them but you won't see THAT in the scamming DEM SM.