Anonymous ID: 000000 March 24, 2020, 10:47 p.m. No.8556621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6639

Just gonna leave this here.


1) There are many scenarios of Bible scholars regarding the “endtimes” events recorded for us in the Book of Revelation (chapter 13).

Here we see a two-beast system of government!


Perhaps we are beginning to see the “two-beast system” in the same way as two parents going through a divorce and fighting for total custody (total control) of their child (our government).


The first “parent” (beast system of government) has been raising (and controlling) the world’s governments for centuries— including the USA. (Read My Book: “Killing America” to understand this global Cabal and their many “players” who control our government):


The New World Order

The Deep State

The Federal Reserve Board (and Bank)

The Democratic Party and the Republican Party



The World Bank

The Central Banks

The Oil Industries

The Illuminati

The Bohemian Grove

Many Secret Societies: Free Masons, Skull and Bones, etc.


This “parent” (or beast system) is fighting for total control of its child— their corporation called “The United States of America” which is composed of their puppets in both political parties, the Supreme Court, the FBI and CIA!


They have had at least partial control (custody) of this nation (child) since it’s conception. The following quotes denote their true intentions of gaining total custody of their “child”— the USA:


“It is our goal for this new continent called “America” that it become the “New Atlantis” (utopia) and our springboard for our global government called ‘The New World Order!’ We will use this new nation to accomplish this goal.” (The Free Masons— early 1700’s)


“We must use this crisis (invasion of Kuwait) to forge ahead with a ‘New World Order.’ If we (the first parent) are successful—and we will be— we will fundamentally change not only this nation, but the entire world.”

(George Bush senior— a member of the Skull and Bones Society at Yale University; former Director of the CIA)

Anonymous ID: 000000 March 24, 2020, 10:49 p.m. No.8556639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6645



2) “All we need is a good crisis (flu virus), and the people will gladly forgo their freedoms and liberties to fully embrace our New World Order.”

(David Rockefeller)


The above is an abbreviated description of the first “Parent” (Global government system) which has been in place for centuries. They have been raising their child (the USA) for over two centuries, and want full custody NOW! (full control).


But the second parent (the Trump administration) is standing in their way and is also fighting for total custody or control (the second “beast system” of government mentioned in Revelation). The first parent (beast system) hates the second parent (beast system), and is willing to do anything— ANYTHING to keep the second parent from gaining full custody (control) of the child (that would be us)!

Keep reading:


Our research has revealed that when this “fake narrative” shutdown is over, Trump will emerge with a “New Republic” that will make all Constitutional conservative Republicans ecstatic with joy— including evangelical “Christians.” (research “the Q” “the Storm” “the Alliance” “the Patriots.”


When this present “crisis” is over and the fake shutdown has ended, the second parent (beast system) will present his case and argument to the American people for total custody. This “reset” political and economical government has been in the works for many decades, and Trump (the second parent) is their man to begin implementing it!


It may look something like this:

No more NWO (We will be told)

No more Deep State

No more Federal Reserve Board (and Bank)

No more powerful Central Banks

No more IRS

No more corporate taxes

No more income tax (“voluntary” sales taxes only; or a “flat tax”).

No more capital gains tax

No more demonic Illuminate

No more dependence on foreign oil

No more liberal Supreme Court Justices

No more worthless paper money (return to the Gold Standard with a new digital financial reset)

No more illegal aliens crossing our borders and depleting our government funds!

No more sex-trafficking!

And the clincher: No more ‘Planned Parenthood’ to kill our babies! (This will be a temporary closing that will entice and seduce most conservative “Christians”). It’s called “baiting!”


All of this sounds GREAT to the Christian conservatives who have been praying for this President to abolish the evil demonic deep state and all their corporations and puppets in our government. This will look like the “house cleaning” they have been praying for! An “answer to prayer.” Right?


Trump will hand this silver platter over to his “child” (the American people) who will gladly receive it without examining the potential negative ramifications of his full custody system (people control).

But hold on… there’s more:


This new “beast” system will present their “New Republic” to the American people in such a way that we would be fools not to embrace it. But beware: Not all that glitters is gold! In fact… it could very well be “fools gold.”


Some believe that in order for you and I to participate in this “New Republic” and benefit from it financially, we will have to “voluntarily” sign a document giving our new custodial “parent” our unfettered loyalty and our faithful support as we submit to his total custody (control).


Many believe this is the proverbial “dangling carrot.” It’s the cheese in the hidden trap! It’s the “second parent” who is making many promises in coaxing the “child” by offering money, toys, capitalism, free-enterprise, liberty, freedom, second amendment rights, success, houses, food, education, pleasures, peace and prosperity— just to seduce the “child” (citizens) to trust the parent (the “second beast” system).


The Bible says that in the last days, “a strong [evil] spirit of delusion (deception) will come upon all the peoples of the earth; so that they will believe the lie (They will be deceived by this second parent and his beast system). But no wonder, for satan himself will appear (through a world leader) as ‘AN ANGEL OF LIGHT!’” (II Corinth. 11:14).

Anonymous ID: 000000 March 24, 2020, 10:50 p.m. No.8556645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6725



3) At first, this second “parent” and his beast government will appear to be righteous, just, honest, transparent, healthy for our economy, and even “biblical.” But according to the Bible, this second beast government will quickly change and become just as evil as the first beast government! (Rev. 13: 11-18). In fact, the two “parents” will go from despising one another to finally working together! (For the ‘good’ of the ‘child,’ of course).


But never forget: A beast system is still a beast system— no matter who is in control!

And a spoiled, naive, and gullible “child” (citizen) is still a spoiled, naive, and gullible child— regardless of which parent (beast system) has total custody!


Don’t be deceived— we still don’t know what the “mark of the beast system” looks like. It just might be that very document presented to you that you must sign, pledging your lifelong loyalty to your new custodial parent (second beast system).


According to the Bible, the “mark” is in the forehead (mind) and/ or the hand. If you are deceived in your mind, and make your “mark” (signature) with your hand on a legally binding piece of paper… you may find out that in the end— you will not like your new custodial “daddy!”


According to the Book of Revelation, in the end, BOTH “beast systems” will be totally destroyed when Yah’shua returns to earth to set up HIS righteous government!


Come Yah’shua!