Anonymous ID: 6f15e8 March 24, 2020, 10:31 p.m. No.8556499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6649

Where we go One, we go All

We are all One

We are all Orgone

The tree of life reaches from the center of the earth all the way

up to the highest reaches of the sky and circles back around

this is what is called reincarnation.

the "ElItes" know this. They don't fear death because they

know they will just be reborn but can never leave.

Or mission is counter-entropy. Our goal is to unite and spread

throughout the universe just as entropy spreads against us.

We must work together to achieve this.

Space Force is about more than just securing some stupid sattelites

for the entropic it is about that because they don't want us to

leave. They are masters of this world and Trump threatens that.

In a biblical sense, Trump is Moses here to lead us out of the desert.

He is here to unite us, the counter-entropic beings,

all as one. Our purpose is growth,

our soul is bonded with creation. We are God as God is us.

That's why liars, deceivers, hucksters, swindlers… Not only

are we so able to be deceived because it is so counter to our

understanding, but we detest this behavior and even when presented

with the merits it offers, we refuse it. We even get sick from

the offer. "Father, Son" = "Holy Ghost" = Orgone = Us.

Where we go One, we go All.

We are all orgone.


Anons, we have to unite now or be left behind.

"FlyRothsFly" = Fly Dragon Fly = God cut his legs off and

made him eat dirt (death)

We must fly. Our fate is interstellar. This is supposed to be FUN!

We're here for the adventure, not to have pedovores feast upon

us. We shall fear no death. We will be right back! we carry

God within us and we must spread it across the universe.


"You are the news now!"

We become the programmers! Let's program this adventure for

excitement! Fuck the muh-dick/muh-pussy niggers! We are going

to the fucking stars but we can only do it together!

Don't be left behind. Dare to THINK big! You are anonymous here

push the barrier of what you might have allowed yourself to believe

as this unfolds more and more confirmations will befall you.


By leaving the planet better than when we found it, we are

leaving a better life for ourselves, Anons. We come right back.

This is why the ancients used to preserve/mummify their bodies,

they wanted to see their former selves to bring back the

former memories. There was still a bond with the old self that

would be felt and this would spring back the memories. They

knew the body was useless as far as a utility device, but they

knew the power it had in restoring past life memory.


Humans are a species with amnesia. The Great Awakening!

BE BEST! Resign Rerise! Reboot_Code!

Back to Zero. Let go of the lie. Embrace the future.

jew distraction

pope distraction

senate distraction

catholic distraction

jesuit distraction

mason distraction

star distraction

actors actors actors

look here, not there


1234567654321 -13


1234567654321 -13

26 letters in the alphabet


DD, Reboot_Code


sidenote: You are missing many Q posts by not Paying Attention, Anons!

Anonymous ID: 6f15e8 March 24, 2020, 11:31 p.m. No.8556932   🗄️.is 🔗kun

in this movie, you are born with a certain amount of time to live and can earn more time through labor or other means.

Think Mirror

In our movie, life is the value. Anything object tied to value will surely be more valuable than life, so give the value to life itself. Start at 0 and increase each day your live. When you die, all of your coin will disappear, giving each that has had dealings with you incentive to keep you alive and well.


Life Coin!

Anonymous ID: 6f15e8 March 24, 2020, 11:48 p.m. No.8557045   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't think we're getting there, Anon.

Everyone needs to be relieved of their illusions.

We will know each other along the way, but this is where it gets fun.

The Storm.