For those who missed it during dayshift
Full 50 pages in link
For those who missed it during dayshift
Full 50 pages in link
Plaintiff: Cyrus A. Parsa
Plaintiff: The AI Organization, Inc
Plaintiff: Victims of Persecution, Rape, Torture, Concentration Camps, Sex, Human, and Organ Trafficking and Organ Harvesting in China, Hong Kong, America and Around the World
Plaintiff: Falun Dafa Practitioners
Plaintiff: Uyghurs
Plaintiff: Christians
Plaintiff: Tibetans
Plaintiff: Judges
Plaintiff: Lawyers
Plaintiff: Journalists
Plaintiff: John Does 1-Unlimited
3:19-cv-02407-CAB-AHG Parsa et al v. Google L.L.C. et al
Cathy Ann Bencivengo, presiding
Allison H. Goddard, referral
Date filed: 12/16/2019
Date of last filing: 02/27/2020
Case Summary
Office: San Diego Filed: 12/16/2019
Jury Demand: None Demand: $9999000
Nature of Suit: 440 Cause: 28:1331cv Fed. Question: Other Civil Rights
Jurisdiction: Federal Question Disposition:
County: San Diego Terminated:
Origin: 1 Reopened:
Lead Case: None
Related Case: None Other Court Case: None
Defendant Custody Status:
Defendant: Google L.L.C.
Defendant: Facebook Inc
Defendant: DeepMind Inc
Defendant: Alphabet Inc
Defendant: Neuralink Inc
Defendant: Tesla Inc
Defendant: Larry Page
Defendant: Sergey Brin
Defendant: Sundar Pichai
Defendant: Mark Zuckerberg
Defendant: Elon Musk
Defendant: CISON PR NewsWire
Defendant: John Does 1-29
Plaintiff: The Worlds People
Defendant: Barack Hussein Obama
Defendant: Joe Biden
Defendant: Hunter Biden
Defendant: Hillary Clinton
Defendant: Eric Schmidt
Defendant: Nancy Pelosi
Defendant: John O. Brennon
Defendant: James Comey
Defendant: James McCabe
Defendant: James Clapper
Defendant: The World Bank
Defendant: Amazon
Defendant: Jeff Bezos
Defendant: Microsoft
Defendant: Bill Gates
Defendant: CNN
Defendant: Anderson Cooper
Defendant: Don Lemon
Defendant: MSNBC
Defendant: Rachel Maddow
Defendant: Washington Post
Defendant: New York Times
Defendant: Time Magazine
Defendant: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Defendant: Harvard
Defendant: Adam Schiff
Defendant: Wyss Institute
Defendant: Darper
Defendant: Qualcomm
Defendant: George Soros
Defendant: Soros Fund Management
Defendant: Open Society Foundations
Defendant: University of Vermont
Defendant: Joshua Bongard
Defendant: Sam Kriegman
Defendant: Huawei
Defendant: Boston Dynamics
Defendant: Hanson Robotics
Defendant: Didi Chuxing
Defendant: Megvii Face
Defendant: Alibaba
Defendant: Sensetime
Defendant: ICarbon X
Defendant: Festo
Defendant: Chinese Communist Party
Defendant: John Doe's 1-Unlimited