looks like i showed up at about the right time….
baker here
baker pretty tired tonite, will prolly make just one bred.
Anyone wanna practice doing notes?
Team up with another anon who might just doing baking?
Think about it. We could use both of ya in the kitchen.
never a dull moment 'round here.
hence the title of the bred earlier tonite…..
>>8556364 Senate STILL in session after 1 am - LIVE (holy Peach Mint batman!)
baker just work up (sort of).
covfefe not gonna work this time
but i'll grab the real shadilay
can listen all nite to that
tx anon!
HR 5717: Killing Off America’s Gun Culture In One Generation
Hank “Tippy” Johnson [D-GA, sadly], noted loon and midget/giant cage match fan, has filed HR 5717 the Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020 in the US House. It has everything a violence-enabling victim disarmament advocate could possibly want: national gun owner licensing, an “assault weapon” ban, a suppressor ban, ex parte “red flag” confiscations, and more.
But the kicker is this section on owner licensing.
I wrote about this bill back in January, when Senator Fauxcahontas Warren (Squaw-MA) filed a Senate companion bill, S. 3254. GovTrack now gives it a 24% chance of being enacted, so let’s take another look.
Ҥ 932. License to own firearms and ammunition
“(a) In general.—Except otherwise provided in this section, it shall be unlawful for any individual who is not licensed under this section to knowingly purchase, acquire, or possess a firearm or ammunition.
“(b) Eligibility.—An individual shall be eligible to receive a license under this section if the individual—
“(1) has attained 21 years of age; and
“(2) has completed training in firearms safety, including—
“(A) a written test, to demonstrate knowledge of applicable firearms laws;
“(B) hands-on testing, including firing testing, to demonstrate safe use of a firearm;
Did you spot it…the now all-too-common Catch-22?
To possess a firearm, you must be licensed. To become licensed, you must first possess a firearm, at least for “hands-on testing” and “firing testing.” But “testing” is not one of the exceptions “otherwise provided.”
Current gun owners would be allowed to keep their existing firearm unlicensed. But no one who is not currently (as of when the Attorney General begins issuing “Federal firearm owner’s licenses”) in possession of a firearm could get a license and lawfully possess a firearm ever again.
And there you have it…lawful civilian gun culture eradicated in a single generation.
One might dismiss this as a simple error by a man with some obvious mental issues, but he didn’t draft this on his own. And these impossible-to-comply-with provisions are becoming standard practice in gun people control bills.
And so it goes.
"Dems ready to take YES for an answer!''
workers first
what nonsense.
>>8556364 Senate STILL in session after 1 am - LIVE (holy Peach Mint batman!)
>>8556458 planefags aloft
>>8556464, >>8556543 HR 5717: Killing Off America’s Gun Culture In One Generation
>>8556472 Saudi king to chair G20 leaders call on coronavirus on Thursday
>>8556559 DEAL REACHED (finally)!!
>>8556578, >>8556566 McConnell: "Dems ready to take YES for an answer!''
>>8556560 [Left-wing] profs 'scared' that online lectures will be shared by right-wing sites
>>8556572, >>8556568, >>8556574, >>8556605 North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's younger sister Yo-jong is 'confidently giving' orders to the Workers Party
>>8556591, >>8556524, >>8556538, >>8556576, >>8556591 NZ corona news as country moves into Nat'l Emergency status
>>8556314 Today is 3/25; see Q #325.
still chasin' bottom of bread, but here's the scoop to about @300.
>No one is buying the stay at home BS
Hmmm…maybe - in a way.
Around here, everyone is walkin' around the neighborhood with their kids and dogs.
Also jogging and biking.
Smiling and nodding at each other.
Like we're actually a community.
>>8556718 Goldman Sachs says it is time to buy Gold — the ‘currency of last resort’
They're just a bundle of joy, aren't they?
yes, libtard lockdown for sure!
was talking with a friend today.
she was unsettled.
observed that for the world to turn around, it has to stop first.
this is the stopping (imo).
despite everything, have a really good feeling about all this.
only reason i didn't notable
is that it sounds already notabled
will see if i can find it in qresear.ch
#10955 @550
>>8556364 Senate STILL in session after 1 am - LIVE (holy Peach Mint batman!)
>>8556409, >>8556757 Unwriting the Future: Decoding the Next Strategic Shock
>>8556458 planefags aloft
>>8556460, >>8556510, >>8556545 PARSA v GOOGLE
>>8556464, >>8556543, >>8556707 HR 5717: Killing Off America’s Gun Culture In One Generation
>>8556472 Saudi king to chair G20 leaders call on coronavirus on Thursday
>>8556559, >>8556689, >>8556783 DEAL REACHED (finally)!!
>>8556578, >>8556566 McConnell: "Dems ready to take YES for an answer!''
>>8556560 [Left-wing] profs 'scared' that online lectures will be shared by right-wing sites
>>8556572, >>8556568, >>8556574, >>8556605 North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's younger sister Yo-jong is 'confidently giving' orders to the Workers Party
>>8556591, >>8556524, >>8556538, >>8556576, >>8556591 NZ corona news as country moves into Nat'l Emergency status
>>8556314 Today is 3/25; see Q #325.
>>8556629, >>8556637 S Sudan Minister of Defense dies of sudden heart attack
>>8556675 S Sudan Ministry of Defense – and Dynacorp
>>8556642 Resignations in the news 3/24
>>8556713 At 71, Jackson Browne tests positive–with mild symptoms
>>8556718 Goldman Sachs says it is time to buy Gold — the ‘currency of last resort’
>>8556849 Trump approval rating: 54%!!
lotsa news, look ok?
>>8556862 LA Sheriff: Gun shops not essential, must close
you know what will happen?
this issue will be up before the Supremes very soon
good highlight, added.
you know i can't do that
in part bc your attitude's no good
nothing personal, but you can't force people
bakers or anyone
to do your will just coz you want it that way
none of us can.
but some of these are already in the list
>>8556364 Senate STILL in session after 1 am - LIVE (holy Peach Mint batman!)
>>8556409, >>8556757 Unwriting the Future: Decoding the Next Strategic Shock
>>8556458 planefags aloft
>>8556460, >>8556510, >>8556545, >>8556875, >>8556917 PARSA v GOOGLE
>>8556464, >>8556543, >>8556707 HR 5717: Killing Off America’s Gun Culture In One Generation
>>8556472 Saudi king to chair G20 leaders call on coronavirus on Thursday
>>8556559, >>8556689, >>8556783 DEAL REACHED (finally)!!
>>8556578, >>8556566 McConnell: "Dems ready to take YES for an answer!''
>>8556560 [Left-wing] profs 'scared' that online lectures will be shared by right-wing sites
>>8556572, >>8556568, >>8556574, >>8556605 North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's younger sister Yo-jong is 'confidently giving' orders to the Workers Party
>>8556591, >>8556524, >>8556538, >>8556576, >>8556591 NZ corona news as country moves into Nat'l Emergency status
>>8556314 Today is 3/25; see Q #325.
>>8556629, >>8556637 S Sudan Minister of Defense dies of sudden heart attack
>>8556675 S Sudan Ministry of Defense – and Dynacorp
>>8556642 Resignations in the news 3/24
>>8556713 At 71, Jackson Browne tests positive–with mild symptoms
>>8556718 Goldman Sachs says it is time to buy Gold — the ‘currency of last resort’
>>8556849 Trump approval rating: 54%!!
>>8556862 LA Sheriff: Gun shops not essential, must close
>>8554867, >>8556935 Bismuth complexes inhibit the SARS coronavirus
>>8556364 Senate STILL in session after 1 am - LIVE (holy Peach Mint batman!)
>>8556409, >>8556757 Unwriting the Future: Decoding the Next Strategic Shock
>>8556422 Remarks by POTUS, VP, & Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in a Fox News Virtual Town Hall
>>8556458 planefags aloft
>>8556460, >>8556510, >>8556545, >>8556875, >>8556917 PARSA v GOOGLE
>>8556464, >>8556543, >>8556707 HR 5717: Killing Off America’s Gun Culture In One Generation
>>8556472 Saudi king to chair G20 leaders call on coronavirus on Thursday
>>8556559, >>8556689, >>8556783 DEAL REACHED on Corona relief (finally)!!
>>8556578, >>8556566 McConnell: "Dems ready to take YES for an answer!''
>>8556560 [Left-wing] profs 'scared' that online lectures will be shared by right-wing sites
>>8556572, >>8556568, >>8556574, >>8556605 North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's younger sister Yo-jong is 'confidently giving' orders to the Workers Party
>>8556591, >>8556524, >>8556538, >>8556576, >>8556591 NZ corona news as country moves into Nat'l Emergency status
>>8556314 Today is 3/25; see Q #325.
>>8556629, >>8556637 S Sudan Minister of Defense dies of sudden heart attack
>>8556675 S Sudan Ministry of Defense – and Dynacorp
>>8556642 Resignations in the news 3/24
>>8556713 At 71, Jackson Browne tests positive–with mild symptoms
>>8556718 Goldman Sachs says it is time to buy Gold — the ‘currency of last resort’
>>8556849 Trump approval rating: 54%!!
>>8556862 LA Sheriff: Gun shops not essential, must close
>>8554867, >>8556935, >>8554817 #10952 Bismuth complexes inhibit the SARS coronavirus
>>8556964 Dr. Zev Zenloko's Successful Treatment of Corona Virus
>>8556985 Iran rejects foreign help as virus death toll nears 2000 (AlJazeera)