Anonymous ID: 4f707d March 25, 2020, 1 a.m. No.8557393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7416 >>7428 >>7441 >>7537

>>8557009 (lb)

>>8556995 (lb)




I listened to a bunch of it as well. The technical aspects are mostly on target. My background includes AI and Neural Networks. If Youtube was censoring him, then that might mean he's "Over the Target". Not sure what to make of his lawsuit, however. It reminds me of the legal couple from Florida who were trying to sue the DNC in a class-action lawsuit if I recall correctly. It didn't go far.


Also, another individual (George Webb) tried to pursue or join in a class action lawsuit against Imran Awan. He and Luke Rosiak were discovering the same evidence. The sad thing is that now the libel lawsuit is going against the investigators (Luke Rosiak, et. al.) with the freaking liberal media supporting their version.

This is another major cover-up in my estimation.


From Wikipedia (


"Subject of conservative conspiracy theories

Throughout the government investigation, some conservative media outlets, most notably The Daily Caller, spread allegations and conspiracy theories about Awan. These outlets alleged that Awan had had unauthorized access to classified government data, and that he had provided to the Pakistani government and/or leaked some of that information.[27] This included, but was not limited to, the hacking of the Democratic National Committee server in 2015 and 2016, which the U.S. intelligence community concluded Russia was responsible for.[2] Luke Rosiak, who led The Daily Caller's coverage of Awan, stated in April 2018 that the affair was "straight out of James Bond."[27] The coverage often included reports on Awan's personal finances, his business dealings, and family disputes.[7]


President Donald Trump called for Awan to be investigated for espionage in several posts on Twitter, including one in April 2018 when he referred to Awan as the "Pakistani mystery man", and another in June 2018 when he wrote, "Our Justice Department must not let Awan & Debbie Wasserman Schultz off the hook."[27] Days after Awan was cleared of espionage accusations, Trump mentioned the conspiracy theory during a press conference with Vladimir Putin at a summit in Helsinki, asking "what happened to the servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the DNC?" Trump had been asked if he believed Putin or American intelligence regarding 2016 election interference.[28][29] The judge who sentenced Awan in the bank fraud case criticized these conspiracy theories, calling them "an unbelievable onslaught of scurrilous media attacks to which he and his family have been subjected," adding there had been "accusations lobbed at him from the highest branches of the government, all of which have been proved to be without foundation by the FBI and the Department of Justice."[5]


In January 2020, Awan and four associates filed a lawsuit against Rosiak, The Daily Caller and Regnery Publishing in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia alleging defamation and unjust enrichment.[30][31]"


Another Push-back from the MSM

>We should have learned by now that when the liberal media pushes back so heavily and the judges seem to be too readily in the liberal court (pun intended) it likely means that we are..

Over the Target

Anonymous ID: 4f707d March 25, 2020, 1:15 a.m. No.8557447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7822





Shout Out to Anon the Captured the Lyrics

It is certainly interesting for a group to sign such a song.

And being somewhat provocative, I captured this flash moment in the video to make it look all Q-ish with the left hand in the mirror.



Notable for the Shear Fun of the Shakedown Boogie

>Yes…put intended on the "Shakedown"

Anonymous ID: 4f707d March 25, 2020, 1:34 a.m. No.8557485   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'd feel the same as you with all the miss-information around. In this case, I'm actually downplaying my understanding of the Awan case. Actually saw the records of his and his "families" IT hiring, the IT purchase agreements and invoices, the House IT Audit reports created by someone that seemed to skip town (Theresa Grafenstine), the videos of the Awan and his lawyers as they left the court house, etc.

>Image is from the House IG Presentation that they wouldn't provide to the public

Smells pretty the FBI/DOJ Cover-up


Did digs on Grafenstine at the time. She seemed somewhat competent but whimpy when it came to the real important stuff. Liked to talk the talk. Seemed compromised to me.