wow, good for them
the kids singing about GHWB is amazing enough
for the url to end Love You, Yes Q
is evidence of a hidden hand
for NFRA to be a national Archivist code is comms (pic)
searching LYYesQ results are spoopy (pic)
searching results for nrfa+jfk leads to Feb 15, 1970 Independent Press-Telegram from Long Beach, California · Page 251
In composing with line, arrange your objects so their shapes or main lines lead the eye unconsciously to the center of interest, which, in this case, is JFK at the helm.
In this ficture the strong feeling of dept'u is created by the strong shapes of sail and boat in foreground u'hich seem close to viewer, and which form a frame for JFK beneath and behind them. The horizon seems far off.
search Feb 15, 1970 (pic)
everything is coincidence, nothing is coincidence.
Life is composed of forced synchronicities