COVFEFE → Covid 19 (COV) + Iron (Fe) + Ferritin (Fe)
Interesting! Thx
"Do not fear" could mean in the end everyone will be okay. Doesn't mean we don't worry about the journey or process to get there. Hard not to, if you have family you care for.
I dont think anyone really fears death, they fear the way the die.
In other news my weather forecast says "Freezing Fog", wtf is that? Rather dystopian given the pandemic,
Night Patriot :)
HaHa Yeah. I tell myself that if it burns or tastes horrible, its because I needed it. Whatever works
I take 4 to 6 drops under the tongue, hold for 10 seconds, drink water and swish and swallow. NOT easy. Must be a glutton for punishment but I always have it on hand.
Worked in the tourist industry for years, motels and hotels mostly, so I hear ya.
But just wanted to say "That's the spirit!" :)
haha I havent had a cold or flu since 2008 with that protocol. Yeah, its nuts, but I've gotten used to it now. Weinstein naked, ughhh, didnt need that visual
I'm one of those people that says "I'll pray", and then doesn't follow though. Not because I don't believe, but because I've been lazy and complacent.
The other night before falling asleep, I prayed for Trump and Q team, for you anons, for all the white hats out there fighting the good fight, and for the dark to light. It felt good, and it came from the heart.