Anonymous ID: aaad58 March 25, 2020, 12:40 a.m. No.8557306   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Fried fish”


That obscenely ugly alien creature that people call “Jay-Z”…


He says “Fish fillet” in his song with Yeezy…


Just saying..


That wide-nose-havin’Jay-Z’… breathing up Humanity’s ‘air’ like that… there’s only one choice… cake or death? Comedically-speaking from Eddie Izzards performance … we are asking gains, ‘sir’….


‘Mr. Jay-Z…. is it … final answer… cake… or death?’

Anonymous ID: aaad58 March 25, 2020, 1:37 a.m. No.8557495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7514


Anons got hot and bothered when ‘2019 - The year of the boomerang’ happened…


I’m just chilling … but…. it’s when the boomerang was ‘thrown’… no official word on how many heads it takes off on its return… nor how long it takes to come back -full-circle… or… more like an oval.