It will be interesting to see if Pelousy got any concessions in the corona bill, or if it's yet another total defeat for the demoncrats. Losers gonna lose.
Hurry up and wait for nothing to happen.
Liberates are unaccomplished fools who only know how to criticize, so they can't grasp the concept that its not just a plan, its actually being accomplished right now.
Anon are probably less confused and worried than any other internet group rn. Im oddly optimistic, even though we've been taking a hard beating in the markets.
Open a brokerage account and buy gldm. Look into it.
They were all like that back in the 80s. A friend told me that.
Let's see Trumpo lay off the 800,000 unnecessary and 97% libtard fed employees before he's done.
The Cal fires were laden with chemicals. Everybody got sick for a month or two, I've never seen anything like it. Govt assholes, I hope they fry.
Yes, trades are no cost now. 1 share of gldm sells for about 16.00+ rn. The main point is to open an account and start. Many of the newer online brokerages have no minimum to open.
She OD'd? Sad.
"Me & Julio Down By The School Yard"
The mama pajama rolled out of bed
And she ran to the police station
When the papa found out he began to shout
And he started the investigation
It's against the law
It was against the law
What the mama saw
It was against the law
The mama looked down and spit on the ground
Everytime my name gets mentioned
The papa said oy if I get that boy
I'm gonna stick him in the house of detention
Well I'm on my way
I don't know where I'm going
I'm on my way I'm taking my time
But I don't know where
Goodbye to Rosie the queen of Corona
See you, me and Julio
Down by the schoolyard
See you, me and Julio
Down by the schoolyard
Me and Julio down by the schoolyard
In a couple of days they come and
Take me away
But the press let the story leak
And when the radical priest
Come to get me released
We was all on the cover of Newsweek
And I'm on my way
I don't know where I'm going
I'm on my way I'm taking my time
But I don't know where
Goodbye to Rosie the queen of Corona
See you, me and Julio
Down by the schoolyard
See you, me and Julio
Down by the schoolyard
See you, me and Julio
Down by the schoolyard