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From the time the treasonous nafta was signed and manufacturing and jobs were shipped to China and away from America and Canada, China raised over half a billion people into the "middle class" and most of this was done since the late '80s. An average double-digit gdp growth every year for over twenty years, incredible construction projects both private and for infrastructure, new cities, new transportation networks, massive bridges, airports, the most-extensive high-speed train network in the world - and just 20 years ago, they didn't have any - and China was able to do that because globalist scum wanted a slave-force so they could get products made for pennies but continue to sell them for ridiculously inflated profits. Yes, the people of China benefited greatly from the loss of jobs in America and Canada.
The globalist scum benefited much, much more off the backs of both Chinese people and N. American people than anyone else. A good example would be cell phones. Average minimum order straight from the factory at 50,000 pieces for less than 50 bucks US and the large companies - owned by the same people that own the companies that make the cell phones - buy a couple hundred thousand - on paper, pay roughly 25 bucks a piece - on paper - and then sell them in America for a thousand bucks and at least 20% higher in Canada in real "debt." It's the same with hundreds of products: athletic shoes that sell for hundreds of USD are bought and sold the same way. Many foreign-controlled factories in China will allow, under contract, the China factory to make a knock-off of a famous athletic shoe: same design, same material, same technology, same factory, same workers, same everything…sells in the States for at least a thousand bucks but can't have the same name so it sells in China for a hundred bucks USD for two months and then the sales start.
nafta was a giant treasonous ripoff that allowed hundreds of millions of people in China to be raised from poverty to a more advanced level culturally, scientifically, socially. China now has more luxury cars per capita than anywhere else…because they can afford them. Beijing streets, for example, are filled with exotics. Cars like mercedes, porsche, lexus…they're "everyday" and nothing special at all; something to run to the grocery store in or pick up the kids from school but nothing special; Lambo's, Ferrari's, Bentley's - crap, there are so many Bentley's in large Chinese cities they are beginning to lose their cachet - but the parking spaces out front of 5-star hotels in all large cities are filled with exotics!
So…OK! America and Canada, the people of America and Canada, the workers of America and Canada, have - over the last 40 years - sacrificed much including having the culture infected with a sick ideology controlled and funded by the globalist scum using American and Canadian traitors, based on debt-slavery, physical slavery, welfare, ignorance, and more recently: identity politics, the stupidity of political correctness, non-true science based leftist/globalist scum propaganda unicorns and fairy dreams instead of reality, an insane masturbatory fantasy about a communist utopia being established in America (Canada has unfortunately already fallen under the heel of globalist scum and their socialists infecting what is supposed to be the Canadian government - but that's another story and not really about China), and murder of children for fun and profit.