CNN just announced Prince Charles has tested positive for corona virus.
Q, I sure hope the people will eventually find out about all the evil. This is needed to make sure it never happens again. Famous people dying of a "virus" is not cutting it.
The problem with ANY of the numbers, is they are most likely WRONG. The CDC is supposed to track…..but if they don't, everything is garbage.
When I say the numbers are no good, i'm saying it's done on purpose to hide the truth or to portray whatever "message" the Cabal wants.
I know absolutely no one personally who has the virus. My city(pop. 70,000) had first 2 patients with corona on Thursday-husband and wife. Last night on the radio our local Healthcare Group was saying they have enough protective gear, etc for several months. Also non-utilized rooms in hospital(vacancies) has increased due to canceling/postponing elective surgeries.
I realize New York has higher # of people affected - but you have 12 Million people living on top of one another, who many travel through a tube everyday for a commute and it's the financial center of the country and a huge international tourist destination!……and is the location of the U.N. with world travelers everyday.
Seems to me, NYC should be quarantined, but no the rest of the country. San Francisco is bad too. People need to look at what makes these more vulnerable.
The whole virus is evil drama, with media trying to corral us in a direction.
Back when I was in 9th grade, a fellow classmate did his term paper on the Kennedy assassination and talked about the "magic bullet". It was compelling!!!……………that was 1974.
Today he is a nuclear physicist.