Oklahoma City John Doe 2(I think Comey).
Here's the youtube vid I'm getting this from/
that pic's a few months after the bombing. Reward for a job well done?
That's how tall John Doe 2 was.
Not many people that tall, and the investigators really didn't want to know who John Doe 2 was…because they already knew it was their guy.
They're called 'Clowns' for a reason.
Yeah I posted that, my posts and page refreshes starting not working properly after i posted it.
My theory - that's a cover story the Comey's getting caught trying to break into one of their neighbours place to rape another babysitter.
is your ID meant to be different between breads?
Sounds suspicious yes, Comey would've know who was babysitting and therefore home alone being a highschooler himself.
Homicide detective in LA is walking around pretending you don't know all the weird shit going on around you/covering it up.
He sincerely worships Satan, was probably raised to do so. I guess that would be his coming of age stunt.
Blaming God for this is something Satan would do, or his minions.
wtf is that? Looks like a dead asian girl and Clooney with a giant black dick coming out of him.
Obama intuitively looking straight at the camera during the dirty deed even though there's no way he could see it.
Bad year for Charles, brother accused of being involved in human trafficking, fake sons wife turning out to be a crazy bitch, now this!
I thought it was snuck into china from Canada?
I think I've figured out who patient zero is. Epstein!
don't see anything odd? I think that's from when the Trump's were still giving out fake 'we're in the illuminati' signs.
He has hillary eyes.
Their Corona typewriters are designed to send hidden messages to each other.
By that I mean all the pedovores will type out Hanks typewritten message on their Coronas and get what the real message is.
I'd be shocked if the whitehats weren't easily able to decode it for themselves, maybe that's what they're all just figuring out?
Not if he's talking about something else.
Thinks Q is a joke in the first video, 2nd video he's losing his shit. He's telling the truth about believing in God and God having a plan for everything, Satan thinks that too so do his minions.
Yeah I'm thinking something like that.
I think morning sun means JFK JR GWB and probably more. Never means just 1 thing.
God has a plan for everyone! Especially those who take up arms against him with Satan.
No way just doing whatever he can to save whats rest of his family.
This Corona thing/martial law was most likely planned to happen with Hillary as President. I think a lot of them actually believe the virus is killing a bunch of people because that's the plan as far as they know. Trump just hijacks all their moves magic sword style.
This satanic pedophilia thing didn't start with Trump, but they didn't seem to worried about it before probably because they thought it was their people running the LARP. They've probably known about Q for some time but didn't think it was real..even though they know it's true, they're starting to realize it now.