Anonymous ID: b1475b March 25, 2020, 4:26 a.m. No.8558128   🗄️.is 🔗kun


my preacher / priest too

terrified of being taped

also liberal agenda sermons "babies in cages"

one guest very great lecture [otherwise] from guest speaker, added some BS that is wasn't Christian or you couldn't be a true Christian if you support Trump.

Sad because they shelter themselves from any info contrary to what they believe. They are the "smart kids" and already know?

They don't realize they are the "white supremists"? kek

Anonymous ID: b1475b March 25, 2020, 4:40 a.m. No.8558185   🗄️.is 🔗kun

sketch looks nothing like Comey

But photo is possible

Knowing FBI scumbag of his ilk they mess with the drawing? Also "he" if it's him, rounded the shoulder for the photo


Anonymous ID: b1475b March 25, 2020, 4:50 a.m. No.8558223   🗄️.is 🔗kun



POTUS is a people person, He connects with people personally.

He likes people.

"So happy I can barely speak"?

POTUS can above all else not be like those who viciously hate him and cheer if anything bad happens and who want to kill him.

He can respect and like his enemy, "as a person? ?" Beyond politics, like they all pretend and are supposed to.

It's "spiritual." He's a philosopher President.


Just as on 9/11 - looked through the rubble for bodies to save. All ready. Everyone on high alert.

No bodies.

[dustified, like the enamel sinks, elevator shafts, computers, chairs light fixtures everythin.] ( Some dirty shills claim it was empty and that's why.


Anonymous ID: b1475b March 25, 2020, 5 a.m. No.8558255   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Banks got bailout of over ? 100 trillion at the final count?

started at 17 trillion.

POTUS will put people back to work.

It's not forever.

"Penny wise, dollar foolish" not to do it. As POTUS commented.

Money "of the people" been flushed down the toilet by criminals, for too long.

They always say "There's no money for it" if it's for the people.

"Can't do that, they'll get the wrong idea and slough off"

I don't think so. It's not forever. Just an emergency fund for being set-up by the crooks.

Anonymous ID: b1475b March 25, 2020, 5:18 a.m. No.8558316   🗄️.is 🔗kun

musuem/ really

That can hold

Moma can go down, same with whitney, Museum of sex , and guggenheim

keep the Met


First care for the homeless and sick living on the street. This time, as opposed to 9/11/ dont' just round them up for "parts unknown"

Nadler = authentic psycho

Anonymous ID: b1475b March 25, 2020, 5:25 a.m. No.8558337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8361


telling someone not to kill themselves might make them do it.

You're supposed to tell them you'll be angry with them if they do it.

Shows that you love an care for their life, and don't believe it's right.

In hypnosis, some subjects will counter whatever they are told, depending on how their trance was set-up, or their character to start.

Anonymous ID: b1475b March 25, 2020, 5:34 a.m. No.8558374   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I wasn't making a comment about the speaker. Sorry If it was unclear.

It was simply to let people know that if you want to keep someone from suicide just telling them not to do it might not be the right answer to the situation.

Anonymous ID: b1475b March 25, 2020, 6 a.m. No.8558494   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ur full of shit.

He's a good person.

The people attacking him are hateful psychos.

they suggest to their suggestible audiences that he is a dufus.

I guess you internalized that idiocy.

Anonymous ID: b1475b March 25, 2020, 6:10 a.m. No.8558560   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Alex Jones" tried the same ruse around the issue of "HIcks"

Dude a THUG like his Dad.

But doesn't get away with it as well, Leaks out moar.

At the end of first vid he make a threat.

If it was BS why bother to threaten?

His cackles get raised and he says we'll be the first to the FEMA camps

I wonder where he gets that?

"They are Stupid?"

Can not help but to give themselves away

cf "Tell Tale Heart" flagged in 19th c. by E.G POE

Anonymous ID: b1475b March 25, 2020, 6:13 a.m. No.8558583   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Funny he had to correct the record, because obviously people didn't get the sarcasm in the first vid and thought it was real.

Again. These people are stupid.

Too much inbreeding, I assume.