Anonymous ID: c1354c March 25, 2020, 5:51 a.m. No.8558442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8456 >>8477 >>8518

V=5 (Roman)



V=23 (Eng.Ord) btw


the first sentence here is 17 letters. Q

the second is 9 letters.

there are 11 capitals in both sentences.




the date was 29th March, or 293, two Thelema Agape, 2019 19=metonic lunar, 19=S (serpent) there are other attachments to 19, 19, n n n n n 19,


time was 548 or 17; PM would be 1748hrs, another 17 and 1+7+4+8=20, or T. 17+48=65 and 65 gives 11, then reduces to 2.


11…2…two towers. they keep doing this of course but this is an old

tweet I never looked at before.


AMMAR, AAMMR, 11 13 13 18….24….35!!! 35 (24=X, 35=I, XI=11 in Roman) so…if you continue the sequence to 35 (35 = JFK) you find an 11, interesting.





Anonymous ID: c1354c March 25, 2020, 5:58 a.m. No.8558477   🗄️.is 🔗kun


oh missed that going to quickly, date was 29march

there are 26 words,


6..9, 69, cancer, royal arch keystone, as above so below, merges to 8, 8 = snake that eats its own asshole.

Anonymous ID: c1354c March 25, 2020, 6:03 a.m. No.8558518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8528




V contains XI and 2


V=5 roman

V=22 Eng Ordinal



so…if you like seeing V as 22 leads the eye to 2 and 11, two towers…



