>if he were Q he could tell us who P is.
He said Pythagorus. I had thought it was the Pope, later turned out Payseur. Feel free to correct me, but there is no real consensus. Pindar is an interesting call.
>if he were Q he could tell us who P is.
He said Pythagorus. I had thought it was the Pope, later turned out Payseur. Feel free to correct me, but there is no real consensus. Pindar is an interesting call.
Austin has a new one out!
>P=C sounds like a math equation.
Never thought of it that way, Anon.
It's already mathematically impossible.
Papal Bloodlines interspersed with the Illuminati bloodlines. Masons, Jesuits and the offspring of Nimrod & Semiramis.
Not so sure the previous responder isn't too far off. Too much speculation, too many possibilities. Doesn't matter much now, but at the time it seemed there was a different Q voice filling in at the time. Ended up with foot in mouth and even more controversy.
>Are we looking for the “Black Nobility”, I wonder if we would even know their name. The Rothschilds have been the “Boogeyman” for over a century, why would we believe they are the [theY] we are looking for?
>1000 years of rule and just “died off”
>Or did they just become invisible?
Dropped off the map, blame the obvious to obscure.
>New Austin Vid
He's getting better. Loved MaxHeadroom back in the day. Too real and got yanked quickly. Emerging role.