dudes trained by jesuits. So he's likely got some good leads.
But not enough to waste time watching
Who could stomach that flim-flam liar.
Anyway, whatever leads he gives you, you could figure out yourself without him and his foul "fragrance"?
dudes trained by jesuits. So he's likely got some good leads.
But not enough to waste time watching
Who could stomach that flim-flam liar.
Anyway, whatever leads he gives you, you could figure out yourself without him and his foul "fragrance"?
Please do not take advise about morality from a serial killer.
Is that fake "Q", be honest.
That should be retweeted endlessly to @CNN ?
"Good times"
Get used to it.
Simulations and Assassinations of the past, Truth Bomb incoming.
somebody made money buying on the dip.
All the mind-controlled zombie Trump-haters wouldn't have had the guts for that.
the pictures you show are of Inbred alleged royalty of the past.
Dude's headset looks like images their promoting of "Crown" "Corona" virus?
The dead sheep symbol is a pretty good lead. "Order of the Golden Fleece"
Jason - Jacob - James - jake - Joker ?
Studying old paintings, without assumption about what it shows could be fruitful
They guard the sheep, right?