Anonymous ID: 608325 March 25, 2020, 6:23 a.m. No.8558662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8676 >>8688 >>8699 >>8704 >>8718 >>8785 >>9029

I think it is Strange to see all the Money coming out of nowhere, as if it always was there but never used. With this amount of money,

you could end world hunger and give every citizin on this planet an unconditional income.


I will call this "Magic Money", they, the elite and rich folks, employer, boss and tax office and the who is who of the people able to influence the market seems to get immediately help when their wealth is in danger.

I can see how their wealth is our pillar of the system and the economy.


But the thing is, the economy has had certain difficulties before, but this has not affected the authorities above us.

Now we see that it was always possible to get rid of those difficulties, but only now as soon it begun to affect the wealth class.

Out of nowhere comes the Magic Money.

If we had Magic Money before this crisis started, we wouldn't problems like this right now!


I don't like this!

This System, the Society we are in, it wasn't meant for us. It was build for them! And now, that they are facing the difficulties, they immediatley start to act, but at the time when we faced difficulties, there was nothing.


I hate this!

This is a sign for me that this system needs to die! The Power needs to go back to the People!

It might sound cruel right now but Corona is the best thing that happened to the people!

As soon this system is burned down, we can rebuild it.

But if they keep this corpeses of economy alive, they, as much as the deep state, will get their power back.


Think about it,

The deep state influenced this economy over years, it morphed slowly into this odd shape where the wealth is able to produce magic money.

We might speak here about 100 of years if not more. Consider that when the system, their system, burns down it will set us back 100 of years.

This needs to happen, because when you destroy evil you have to destroy their legacy too. Am i wrong?


And by the way, i notice that the wealth class is forcing people to go to work!

They care more about their Legacy as for the people.

Anonymous ID: 608325 March 25, 2020, 6:28 a.m. No.8558696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8702 >>8721


Doesn't surprise me that you don't like it. People grew up in this society, in this system, you feel somewhat comfy in it and don't like changes, you fear them. I can Understand this. But at the same time, you have no right to complain about the evil shit coming along with a system like this.

Anonymous ID: 608325 March 25, 2020, 6:31 a.m. No.8558712   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Don't think of it in terms of money, as that has no real value.

am aware of it, therefore i called it Magic Money.


>keeping us all enslaved forever

this, but people remain in denial mode to feel somewhat good and fear change.


Change needs to happen, a change that is able to remove this system.

Anonymous ID: 608325 March 25, 2020, 6:32 a.m. No.8558722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8936


>that's where you are wrong, I remember how the money won't be given to the millionaires at all.

>in fact, they were the ones hit the worst with all their investments frozen.

it is way more complex than just this, millionaires are not the only folks who keep influencing the market. A lot of them aren't even part of this system, they buy their own island because they themself are sick of this corrupt economy.

Anonymous ID: 608325 March 25, 2020, 7:15 a.m. No.8559058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9069 >>9084 >>9086 >>9092 >>9112 >>9121 >>9123 >>9136 >>9159 >>9171 >>9204 >>9224





  1. This sin't the end of the world

  2. Deep State planted it in China on purpose to hurt Trump and the election

  3. Bill Gates and the satanic pedo elites are all part of the satanic DS behind this aka (((them)))

  4. Trump is only the figurehead of the military tasked in taking them down.

4a. Looking glass technology (looking into the future) is real and is in the hands of the military - aka 4d chess - they relay this info to GEOTUS who is always right and keeps BTFOing the DS antics.

  1. 'The plan' has been in effect and failed multiple times in the past starting with Truman in the 50's (remember the Military industrial complex speech?)

  2. OKC bombing and 911 are FF examples where the Q group had all the evidence to take down the DS but failed and lost all evidence in the process.

  3. full/half chan Q group is the latest incarnation of 'the plan' - trust it etc

  4. With the advances in technology they have all the evidence they need to take down the DS legally - the truth will be shocking. Prepare your anus.

  5. This has to be a world wide operation to keep everyone safe from another DS FF while the arrests are made - currently happening in Europe and US as we speak.

  6. some DS members have already negotiated their surrender.

  7. There will be a financial reset after this using gold - 10x that is acknowledged to be in existence - that is off books and stored in Asian underground vaults - acquired by the Japs in WW2