Anonymous ID: bf3607 March 25, 2020, 6:53 a.m. No.8558873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8892 >>8896 >>8937

Usually ignore shills, but a major shill narrative has made it into notables now:, so it becomes a necessary cautionary measure to point them out.


By sheer identical repetition, it should be obvious this podesta/gallen is a spoon-fed false narrative.

For the past week, someone has been pushing the St. Gallen mafia and podesta connection over and over and over. 155 -identical- posts about it, and 83 posts where the poster PUSHING the St. Gallen mafia made a list of their own identical posts called "'NON-BAKER NOTABLES"' or "'NOTABLES THE BAKER REFUSED'".

In each of these self-proclaimed lists, the poster calls bakers into question, calling them comped. (a classic AFLB move, but also done by Freddy and hotwheels.) "Not sure if they are all not the same person by now."


The 83 Identical long lists of shill "non-notables" about gallen/podesta can be seen here:


The 155 identical posts about gallen/podesta







etc, etc.


Careful anons, while the board moves fast, you have to try to catch up on past breads so you can see huge psyop patterns like this. Of course, the shill part could be that this narrative is true and podesta himself is flooding the board with it to over-saturate. We've been collectively ignoring this particular narrative, so imo we should trust our gut instincts and continue to do so.

Anonymous ID: bf3607 March 25, 2020, 7:03 a.m. No.8558959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9004


old board had quite a thread on shill research

for example, Media Matters/ American Bridge/ The Crew/ Blue/ (a couple of other names) are all David Brock entities employing what the DNC call 'nerd virgins' to shill on the old board and other social media.

We even had a first list of their names from FEC filings- DNC payments. (till they went to cash?) Its been a while since we've seen their tactics

though, so I think we've been bumped up to more sophisticated clowns.

But the board has had bots, chinese, and IDF (proofs fo all in that archive)

Anonymous ID: bf3607 March 25, 2020, 7:32 a.m. No.8559214   🗄️.is 🔗kun


sunrise, a Christian church bell tower

Shit is going to happen Easter. The most important sunrise in the Christian church calendar is coming up at Easter.


Are they actually going to try project Blue Beam/operation firesign I wonder, lol

That WOULD be something we have to calm people down about, if holographs of alien landings showed up in the sky on Easter