Anonymous ID: c9e555 March 25, 2020, 6:57 a.m. No.8558904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8975

Pretty sure somewhere Trump Team are watching the fake news media as it habbens but if they missed this

FOX25 Boston just did about ten minutes getting folks wound up BUT

perhaps telling the truth about cash, liquidity, small business, can't last past mid-April in many cases etc


just passing that along


next segment is about coping with stress by journaling, mom of three, helps to unwind at night when kids in bed also a good way to understand what is happening


"diaries help us understand the experiences of everday folks" said a female prof. from North Eastern


"recording of intimate moments that you do not usually share

because I am working" said the mom


"paper lasts, paper persists, that's not true of a tweet or a face book post" said the mom


okay now they are talking about the physical-emotional satisfaction from simply holding a pen, turning pages, holding a book…




I'll answer the 4th image with the 5th

Anonymous ID: c9e555 March 25, 2020, 7:40 a.m. No.8559272   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you accused me of being Krav Maga last week


member that? that was just before I started posting facts about the holohoax, talmud (selections from) fukushima report…


prove yourself


post your talmud digs


in other words


burn that motherfucker publicly

no jew would ever do that


would they?