Anonymous ID: 72492e March 25, 2020, 8:05 a.m. No.8559456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9543



it's not the catholic or episcolpal churches in charleston.


not the national cathedral, not the chapel at annapolis.


check churches near his home. does look like maryland seashore.

Anonymous ID: 72492e March 25, 2020, 8:31 a.m. No.8559717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9778 >>9846



stone tower has two windows. almost any stone church would have three, but some have two.


very narrow tower. small town. old building.


i can only find two churches in General Flynn's state that are similar.,_Rhode_Island)

Anonymous ID: 72492e March 25, 2020, 8:40 a.m. No.8559810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9869 >>9888 >>0070



the generals hometown?


the beach he grew up surging on?