If this Corona Happening continues for more than 3 Month, the Derp State will go Bankrupt.
I already see how some folks try to play it down or tone down the PANIC, forcing to go to work, slowing it down to prevent the spread. My guess is, it was once the Derp State Plan, but Patriots intervene and now the plan does the exact oppostion. This is what i get from "the storm is coming" - "nothing can stop what is coming" or from the hidden symbols from patriots in "i, pet goat II".
Just think about,
If Derp State had their presidant in the White House, killery Cliton, we would have seen a much worser outbreak and the crash had boost their money. As we already saw with 9/11.
So, this virus might be very real, and the economy might crash but the outcome this time will be a different one.