Sour Grapes Fred probably can't get over the fact that he sold 8chan to Jim Watkins.
maybe he gets paid to do this.
Sour Grapes Fred probably can't get over the fact that he sold 8chan to Jim Watkins.
maybe he gets paid to do this.
In a flash of a couple of weeks, NYC went from a Jewish lawyer who attended the Young Israel Synagogue first getting "Coronavirus"….
now there are 15,000 !!!
Yet nobody here, neighbors, friends, co-workers, knows of anyone known by anyone who actually has coronavirus, is sick or dead.
there may be something to that anon.
Friend in school once told me that in Jewish Butchering they have a zillion special knives, and don't show the animal the knife, to not scare the animal as it's throat is about to be cut.
Then salt is added to draw all the blood out of the meat.
Hillary loving Crypto-Jew.