Anonymous ID: 881f26 March 25, 2020, 9:19 a.m. No.8560185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0210

>>8559647 (lb/pb)

>is this chinese virus a dry run..?

In my opinion, yes.

>why all the medical production for something that is gonna be over in 3-4 weeks?

This didn't work. They're going to have to try harder. Ebola, Marburg, something horrific.

>products will just be getting out to hospitals by the time this is over.

Perfect. Trump took advantage of this so that when they go BIG we'll be ready. Jiu Jitsu at the highest level.

>we are missing something… something BIG..

Yeah, releasing ebola or something comparable will be Biblical.

It ain't over yet.

Anonymous ID: 881f26 March 25, 2020, 9:59 a.m. No.8560605   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>(NEWSER) – A 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck in the northern Pacific on Wednesday and forecasters said tsunami waves were possible for the nearest shores.

Well Shit. It's looking more and more like Dutchsince theory of quakes marching along the plate bounderies is valid.


With this swarm of quakes marching across the norther Pacific it brings up the specter of "THE BIG ONE".

Back on half chan a few years ago a NOAA sailor said he was serving on a NOAA research vessel off the west coast and felt that they were making preps to trigger the Cascadia Subduction Zone quake, which would then trigger the San Andreas and other faults. That would trigger tsunami's across the entire Pacific Basin. Think Christmas in Indonesia, 50-100X worse.


Wiping out the West Coast concurrent with a pandemic would certainly be "Biblical". The good news is they wouldn't be safe in New Zealand.