United States is a corporation as defined in IRS code.
Citizen = Employee
Person = Entity
Resident = Someone Temporarily There To Do Business
None of those three are a living, flesh and blood man/woman.
United States citizen, employee of the government services corporation doing business as the United States?
Courts are private, for-profit corporations.
Operate in jurisdiction of the sea, admiralty/commerce, contract law.
A mother is listed as and signs her baby's birth certificate as an "informant."
Informant = Someone who gives someone else up to another.
Happens in their "foundling hospitals", an institution that cares for abandoned children.
Name on birth certificate, example: John Quincy Smith is registered and bonded, and assigned to you as JOHN QUINCY SMITH.
A thing, a vessel.
It has no unalienable rights. This is the entity they enforce all their statutes/codes over.
Treat that entity like mere chattel, an employee of their corporation.
It's why they don't allow this entity to bring the Constitution into their courts.
That entity is not party to it.
Must reclaim sovereignty as an American state national; flesh and blood man/woman standing firmly on the land and soil of your home state.
THIS is just part of the fraud they are desperate to keep hidden and to continue perpetuating against the American people. Why?
There are literally TRILLIONS at stake!
So much more to the fraud that it would take hours to get through.
Interested to learn more…watch lectures by David Straight on Y ou tube.