Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.8560948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0973 >>1005 >>1400 >>1614

Fauci: ‘No doubt’ Trump will face surprise infectious disease outbreak


January 11, 2017


Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said there is “no doubt” Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.


Fauci has led the NIAID for more than 3 decades, advising the past five United States presidents on global health threats from the early days of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s through to the current Zika virus outbreak.


During a forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University, Fauci said the Trump administration will not only be challenged by ongoing global health threats such as influenza and HIV, but also a surprise disease outbreak.

“The history of the last 32 years that I have been the director of the NIAID will tell the next administration that there is no doubt they will be faced with the challenges their predecessors were faced with,” he said.

While observers have speculated since his election about how Trump will respond to such challenges, Fauci and other health experts said Tuesday that preventing disease pandemics often starts overseas and that a proper response means collaboration between not only the U.S. and other countries, but also the public and private health sectors.

“We will definitely get surprised in the next few years,” he said.

‘Risks have never been higher’

Trump, the real estate developer-turned-Republican politician, has worried some infectious disease experts with controversial and sometimes unclear views on certain health issues.

Ronald Klain, who coordinated the U.S.’s Ebola response for the Obama administration, said Trump’s virtual silence about the Zika outbreak and harsh comments about American volunteers infected during the West African Ebola outbreak is “not the kind of leadership we need in our next president.”

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.8560952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0968 >>0988 >>0999 >>1147 >>1200 >>1476 >>1614

LA County Sheriff Orders Closure of Gun Stores, Releases 1,700 Inmates


Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva has released 1,700 inmates from county facilities and is ordering gun stores in the county closed.


Fox 11 reports the gun store closures are part of the coronavirus stay-at-home order while the release of the inmates is an attempt to slow the spread of the virus in county facilities.


Villanueva is the Director of Emergency Operations, which means “all FEMA requests go through him, and all National Guard requests go through him.”


He said, “When we’re communicating the shelter in place or the safer at home, there’s a lot of anguish, however, the people who have to enforce it are public safety, and we were totally out of the process, we were not involved,”


Villanueva defended his decision to close gun stores, by intimating that all the first-time gun buyers emerging amid the virus crisis create a perilous situation: “I’m a supporter of the 2nd amendment, I’m a gun owner myself, but now you have the mixture of people that are not formerly gun owners and you have a lot more people at home and anytime you introduce a firearm in a home, from what I understand from CDC studies, it increases fourfold the chance that someone is gonna get shot.”


F’OX LA’s Bill Melugin tweeted there is an effort underway to add gun stores to Governor Gavin Newsom’s (D) “essential” business list, which would prevent the sheriff from enforcing the shut down.

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.8560966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1017 >>1110 >>1136 >>1139 >>1614

71-Year-Old Prince Charles Tests Positive for Coronavirus


Prince Charles from Great Britain tested positive for the coronavirus.

The Prince is 71.


Clarence House announced the news on Wednesday.


The Prince last saw his 93-year-old mother Queen Elizabeth on March 12th.


Prince Charles has been advised he was contagious with coronavirus starting on March 13, a royal source said.


The Prince last saw Queen Elizabeth II on March 12, according the Buckingham Palace.


— CNN International (@cnni) March 25, 2020


Prince Charles attended the WaterAID meeting with Prince Albert of Monaco last week on March 18th.

Both men came down with the coronavirus.


Prince Charles will be fine. And his swift recovery will be a sign that we will prevail over this flu.


He will be back in his country-gear admiring hedges before you can say Corona. #AskKatie


— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) March 25, 2020

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.8560983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1036 >>1234

Mayor de Blasio Fighting Coronacrisis By Letting Hundreds Of Criminals Out Of Prison


In the latest example of "outside the box thinking" from America's favorite mayor, Bill de Blasio - whose city is being ravaged by the coronavirus and is slowly becoming the epicenter for the outbreak in the U.S. - decided to release inmates from jail.


Approximately 300 inmates were released from Rikers Island and other city facilities this week in an attempt to, drumroll, stop the virus spread, because apparently confining potential covid carriers in a closed space is more risky than letting them frolic among the general population. Perhaps de Blasio missed the part where prisoners are already in quarantine, even if one gets the virus.


The socialist mayor and failed presidential candidate commented on the non-violent offenders serving yearlong sentences or less that he was releasing: "Some have many months, some have only a few months, some have only weeks, but I’m going to treat this category across the board. We will move to release those 300 inmates immediately."


We wonder if New York resident, forced to live under quaratine indefinitely, will appreciate the latest stroke of brilliance from the NYC mayor who has worked for his entire tenure to de-criminalize… well, crime.


But why stop at 300? The New York Post reports: "The mayor said he is also working with the District Attorneys and New York state to release another 800 inmates. About 700 of those people were jailed on technical parole violations."


The mayor continued: "I am saying across the entire population it is imperative to me that anyone over 70 and anyone who has one of those five pre-existing conditions, should be released as well."


That said, don't accuse de Blasio of not having a backbone: de Blasio is apparently not yet "comfortable" releasing those locked up for domestic violence and sexual offenses. But in a day or two, well, who knows…

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.8561015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1614

Greece: Turkish fighter jets invade Greek airspace, again


Groups of Turkish fighter planes repeatedly crossed into Greek airspace on Monday in a direct violation of Greece’s sovereignty.


The Hellenic National Defense General Staff (GEETHA) said that two pairs of Turkish F-16s flew over the islets of Anthropofagi and Makronisi in the Aegean, according to a report by Ekathimerini. The first pair ended up crossing over Oinousses before being intercepted.


Less than two hours later, another pair of fighters flew over the island of Chios. None of the invading jets contacted the Greek authorities or had filed a flight plan. All of them were intercepted by Greek fighter aircraft and escorted out of Greek airspace.


Such violations by Turkish planes have become a common occurrence, and NATO has said that it will not intervene despite the fact that both countries are member states. Sometimes these encounters lead to mock dogfights, as reported by The National Herald.


The intrusions are occurring as tensions between Greece and Turkey are high, given that tens of thousands of migrants have been trying to enter Greece — and hence the European Union — by force since Turkish President Recep Erdoğan declared that his country would no longer stop migrants from illegally crossing the border. This has led to daily clashes between the migrants and Greek security forces, with the migrants sometimes being aided by the Turkish police, as previously reported by Voice of Europe.


Some believe that Turkey is testing the Greek government’s resolve given that it has been eyeing the Aegean for possible oil and natural gas drilling, and the Greek island of Kastellorizo has been seen as a potential target for takeover by the Turks. Turkish naval vessels have also been challenging Greece’s sovereignty recently. Parts of the Aegean are contested between the two nations.

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.8561023   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Washington Drama Does Not Matter Anymore” – McConnell Vows to Pass Coronavirus Stimulus Package TODAY


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Wednesday that “Washington drama does not matter anymore” and vowed to pass the Coronavirus package today.


“That Washington drama does not matter any more. The Senate is going to stand together, act together, and pass this historic relief package today,” McConnell said.




Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: “That Washington drama does not matter any more. The Senate is going to stand together, act together, and pass this historic relief package today.”


— ABC News (@ABC) March 25, 2020


The White House and Senate leaders reached a deal in the middle of the night for a massive stimulus package to bolster the economy during the Coronavirus outbreak.


The package will reportedly contain aid for both workers and businesses. Hospitals will also receive significant funding.


The text is supposed to come out Wednesday according to two GOP Senate aides who spoke to the Daily Caller.


But Speaker Pelosi has no urgency whatsoever because she doesn’t care about the American people suffering.


Pelosi, who famously said during the passage of Obamacare ‘we have to pass the bill to see what’s in it,’ delayed the vote on the Senate’s Coronavirus stimulus package on Wednesday morning.


The House was in session for 2 minutes Wednesday morning because Pelosi wouldn’t commit to a vote until Thursday (maybe).



House Democrats couldn't put more than 115 seconds into their work day today? Thank God these people aren't staffing our hospitals.


— John Ashbrook (@JohnAshbrook) March 25, 2020


If the Senate and White House can work through the night to reach a deal, Pelosi should also have some urgency and hold a vote on the stimulus bill as soon as possible.


The House adjourned until Thursday with no plans to meet again at all today.


House will not pass coronavirus bill today. Already gaveled in, gaveled out of pro fotm session. Senior sources say House won’t meet again later today


— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) March 25, 2020


House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said in a letter that he will give Representatives 24 hours’ notice before the House acts.


“Before we can determine when and how the House will consider this legislation, we must have the final legislative text and clear direction on when the Senate will vote. I remain committed to giving House Members 24 hours’ notice before the House acts.”

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.8561031   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anti-aging game changer: Scientists successfully ‘reset’ cells from 114yo ‘supercentenarian’


For years, scientists have sought to understand the mystery behind supercentenarians, or people who live more than 110 years. Now, researchers have overcome the first obstacle in cracking the secret code of long, healthy life.


For some as yet unknown reason, supercentenarians are resistant to diseases such as Alzheimer's, heart disease and cancer. In an effort to emulate this apparent medical miracle, scientists successfully reprogrammed cells from a 114-year-old woman, the first time such a feat had been managed in history.


“Why do supercentenarians age so slowly?” says study author Evan Y. Snyder. “We are now set to answer that question in a way no one has been able to before.”


The team of scientists from Sanford Burnham Prebys and private company AgeX Therapeutics reprogrammed blood cells from a 114-year-old woman, a 43-year-old individual and an 8-year-old child with progeria, a condition which causes rapid aging, in order to unravel the mystery mechanics behind the aging process.


“Now we have shown it can be done, and we have a valuable tool for finding the genes and other factors that slow down the aging process,” says study author Evan Y. Snyder.


In their study, Snyder's team first created a general purpose kind of stem cell known as pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from the blood cells before transforming them into a more specific kind of stem cell known as mesenchymal stem cells, which help maintain our bodies' structural tissues like bone, cartilage and fat. Much to their pleasant surprise, the researchers found that all three participants' cells transformed as easily as each other.


Furthermore, they found that the telomeres (protective DNA caps that shrink as we age) from all three cell sample sets were also reset, including the supercentenarian telomeres which were reset to levels normally associated with young people, or even further, to infancy, as if the biological clock had been reset to day one.


However, the researchers admit that telomere resets occurred less frequently among the supercentenarian cells than the others.

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.8561060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1124

Why Did Hundreds Of CEOs Resign Just Before The World Started Going Absolutely Crazy?


In the months prior to the most ferocious stock market crash in history and the eruption of the biggest public health crisis of our generation, we witnessed the biggest exodus of corporate CEOs that we have ever seen. And as you will see below, corporate insiders also sold off billions of dollars worth of shares in their own companies just before the stock market imploded. In life, timing can be everything, and sometimes people simply get lucky. But it does seem odd that so many among the corporate elite would be so exceedingly “lucky” all at the same time. In this article I am not claiming to know the motivations of any of these individuals, but I am pointing out certain patterns that I believe are worth investigating.


One financial publication is using the phrase “the great CEO exodus” to describe the phenomenon that we have been witnessing. It all started last year when chief executives started resigning in numbers unlike anything that we have ever seen before. The following was published by NBC News last November…


Chief executives are leaving in record numbers this year, with more than 1,332 stepping aside in the period from January through the end of October, according to new data released on Wednesday. While it’s not unusual to see CEOs fleeing in the middle of a recession, it is noteworthy to see such a rash of executive exits amid robust corporate earnings and record stock market highs.


Last month, 172 chief executives left their jobs, according to executive placement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas. It’s the highest monthly number on record, and the year-to-date total outpaces even the wave of executive exits during the financial crisis.


By the end of the year, an all-time record high 1,480 CEOs had left their posts.

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.8561072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1469

Pelosi Delays Coronavirus Relief Bill Vote After Not Committing


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi delayed the passage of the Senate’s coronavirus relief package on Wednesday, as the House was in session for nearly three minutes and then adjourned until Thursday.


“House Democrats will now review the final provisions and legislative text of the agreement to determine a course of action,” Pelosi said about the nearly $2 trillion emergency relief deal which will be voted on Wednesday afternoon in the Senate after a long night of negotiations. Meaning, the House will not be able to vote on the package for another day. Pelosi also said there is “no way” to pass the bill through the House on Wednesday.


McConnell said the deal “will get more equipment to the heroes on the front lines” and that “this is a wartime level of investment.” The Majority Leader also added that “this has been a long week for the Senate,” and that the Senate is “going to pass this legislation later today.”


The text is set to come out later Wednesday. Two GOP Senate aides told the Daily Caller there was no way the vote would happen Tuesday night, as many expected it would. North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows was on Capitol Hill late, telling reporters the deal will happen “very very soon.”


Amid all of the negotiations, Pelosi on Monday introduced a massive coronavirus bill with a number of provisions completely unrelated to the crisis.


Pelosi’s coronavirus bill is 1,119 pages and contains provisions including, “conducting risk-limiting audits of results of elections,” bailing out the postal service, requiring early voting, same-day voter registration, requiring the airlines to fully offset their carbon emissions, gives you chance to look up greenhouse gas emissions from the flights you want to take, and much more that have nothing to do with helping solve the crisis at hand.


Pelosi said Sunday that she will halt negotiations with the Senate and move to pass her own coronavirus package in the House, which could drag things out longer than many expected. Pelosi’s legislation will be a $1.6 trillion emergency package, according to Politico.

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.8561076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1614

UK Parliament set to close as nationwide lockdown sets in


As the UK adopts increasingly stringent measures to combat the coronavirus, British MPs are expected to vote later to close Parliament until April 21– breaking a week earlier than the traditional Easter recess.


Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a nationwide lockdown on Monday evening, telling the public to stay at home and banning groups of more than two people.


After passing emergency laws, the House of Commons will now vote on whether to shut down Parliament earlier than the planned Easter break on March 31. The motion is expected to pass unopposed.


In mid-March, junior health minister Nadine Dorries contracted the illness.


Police and the government are rushing to enforce social distancing measures to relieve pressure on the National Health Service.


Johnson has demanded citizens stay at home or face getting arrested. “If you don't follow the rules the police will have the powers to enforce,” the PM warned.


This means no direct contact with friends or family members who do not live in the same home, and only leaving to shop for food “as infrequently as possible,”“one form of exercise” a day, getting medical care, or commuting to and from work if absolutely necessary.


People could be fined up to £30 for meeting in groups without a valid reason.


Britain currently has 8,077 confirmed Covid-19 cases, with 422 deaths - an increase of 87 in just 24 hours.

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 10:47 a.m. No.8561100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1236 >>1283 >>1349 >>1374 >>1423 >>1514 >>1600

NYPD is Raiding Sleeping Truckers Hauling Supplies During Outbreak, Impounding Cargo


Brooklyn, NY — As doctors, nurses, and other medical staff bravely battle the coronavirus on the front lines, there are other industries out there who are providing extremely vital services, but get overlooked. In a time in which grocery store shelves are being emptied at furious rates, truck drivers are tirelessly carrying tons of supplies from coast to coast to make sure society does not break down during this crisis. The supplies range from food to medical supplies that are invaluable during these times. One would think that these brave men and women behind the big wheels would be given leeway by law enforcement during this outbreak. However, as the following case illustrates, one would be wrong.


In many places, these truck drivers are actually greeted with kindness and thanked for their service. In Eufaula, Alabama, the police department announced they wanted to help the hungry truck drivers, reported.


“To that end, if you are a truck driver, and need to take time off the road in Eufaula, we will assist you in getting food,” the Eufaula Police Department posted on their official Facebook page. “With more and more restaurants limiting their dining room access, it is becoming harder for our truck driving friends to find places to eat. We will either go get something for you, or give you a ride to the nearest drive through (if you don’t mind riding in the back seat).”


“We are working non-stop, but it’s to make sure people get what they need,” says Ronda Aucoin, a truck driver from Kentucky.


Aucoin told KRNV that people have been kind of enough to bring her a warm meal when she and her daughter post-up at truck stops across the country.


“Nevadans have been especially nice since a few places are closed and not allowing us to stay the night when we’re done working,” says Aucoin.


But these cases are in Nevada and Alabama. In New York, the same brave men and women hauling crucial supplies during this crisis are being preyed on by police. Instead of bringing them warm food and salutations, officers from the NYPD’s 66th Precinct brought them extortion and theft.


Because many rest stops are closed across the country, Truckers have been forced to stop on the side of the road to sleep while hauling these supplies. Instead of realizing this, NYPD cops raided the sleeping truckers, issued them fines and impounded their vehicles — for sleeping on the side of the road.


Completely oblivious to the heinous nature of preying on people trying to keep the nation from falling into chaos, the officers who conducted the raid took to Twitter to brag about it.


“Our traffic safety officer was out on Bay pkwy towing these illegally parked trailers,” the NYPD 66th Precinct tweeted on Monday morning. “Please remember commercial vehicles cannot be parked on residential blocks.”

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.8561112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1146 >>1174 >>1374 >>1514 >>1600

Pompeo: Chinese Communist Party Denying World Vital Coronavirus Information


The Chinese Communist Party is wilfully denying the world vital information it needs to stem the coronavirus pandemic, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo charged on Tuesday night.


Speaking during an exchange with the Washington Watch radio program, Pompeo repeated previous charges Beijing’s delay in sharing information about the virus had created risks to the global community and this had “truly put thousands of lives at risk.”


He said China’s handling of the crisis exemplified the single-party Communist state’s authoritarian and nationalist tendencies.


“My concern is that this cover-up, this disinformation that the Chinese Communist Party is engaged in, is still denying the world the information it needs so that we can prevent further cases or something like this from recurring again,” he added, according to Reuters.


Pompeo also accused Iran and Russia of waging their own distinct disinformation campaigns.


“The disinformation campaign from Russia and Iran as well as China continues,” he said. “They’re talking about it coming from the U.S. Army and they’re saying maybe it began in Italy, all things to deflect responsibility.”


This is not the first time Pompeo has publicly decried China’s response to the epidemic and accused the communists of being economical with the truth.


As Breitbart News reported, last week hit directly at the Chinese Communist Party for what he described as a “disinformation campaign” on the coronavirus.


Pompeo explained how the Chinese government had stood in the way of many efforts by the global community to get an early grasp on the pandemic. He said:


We have had an incredibly difficult time getting professional medical people in. You’ll recall early on, we offered to have America’s finest experts to travel there to assist them, to assist the World Health Organization. We weren’t permitted in. These are the kinds of things that the Chinese Communist Party has done that had put the world and the world’s people at risk. They haven’t been sufficiently transparent, and the risk, Sean, that you find, where if we don’t get this right, if we don’t get to the bottom of this, is this could — this could be something that’s repeatable, maybe not in this form, maybe not on this way, but transparency matters.


Pompeo on Tuesday did not shy away from outling the consequences down the track for China and its intransigence.


“The time will come for recriminations,” he said, but added it was important for the world to know now how best to stem the global threat.


“This is an ongoing global crisis, and we need to make sure that every country today is being transparent, sharing what’s really going on, so that the global community, the global health care, infectious disease community can begin to work on this in a holistic way.”


Pompeo hinted “very important decisions” would have to be made in future about how the U.S.-China relationship progressed.


He said global supply-chain impacts in the United States were due to companies “operating their supply chains out of China but not here in the United States.”


For its part, China has always rejected any criticism of its handling of the matter.


As Breitbart News reported, the Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Communist Party’s propaganda arms erupted in rage earlier this month when Pompeo repeatedly used the term “Wuhan virus” to refer to the malady.


he Global Times, a Chinese communist propaganda outlet, railed against Pompeo for his remarks, calling them, among other insults, “morally irresponsible,” “ridiculous,” and “rude.”


“As the chief U.S. diplomat, Pompeo insisted on speaking of the ‘Wuhan virus’ despite the opposition of WHO and international public opinion, in an attempt to arouse resentment among those affected countries against China,” the Global Times asserted.


“Pompeo’s move not only exposes malicious U.S. intentions toward China without regard to common sense, but also hits a new low in his personal conduct.”

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.8561142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1155 >>1374 >>1514 >>1600

Farage Calls for Temporary Universal Basic Income During Coronavirus Crisis


Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has called for “helicopter money” payments of £1,000 into the bank accounts of every adult in the country for the next three months during the coronavirus crisis, fearing that the 11 million people who do not have a fixed income will suffer otherwise.


Last week, the government announced that it would reimburse employers 80 per cent of their workforces’ wages, meaning that businesses affected by the pandemic could go into temporary shutdown without having to lay off staff which would result in millions of people unemployed.


However, noting that a third of Britain’s workforce does not earn a regular wage, Mr Farage warned that the government’s current coronavirus economic measures will leave those workers at a severe disadvantage. Around a third of Britain’s workforce operates limited companies, are self-employed, seasonal workers, or are on zero-hours contracts.


Mr Farage raised the possibility of introducing a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for a short-term period, writing in The Telegraph: “In the middle of a national emergency, something has to be done to make us believe that we really are all in this together.


“The only solution that I can see that could be implemented quickly to help the 11 million people who do not have a fixed income would be the introduction of helicopter money, the policy which results in cash being distributed to individuals directly.


“If £1,000 was paid every month for the next three months into the bank and building society accounts of the adult population, the cost to the country would be £120 billion. This is a vast sum but it could, in fact, be a small price to pay if it maintains national unity in our troubled nation.


“The Irish government is already implementing such plans. It won’t be long before Donald Trump does the same in America. [Chancellor of the Exchequer] Rishi Sunak must follow suit.”

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 10:54 a.m. No.8561168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1179 >>1193 >>1374 >>1514 >>1600

Microsoft says hackers are exploiting a vulnerability in ALL versions of Windows that lets them hijack users' computers — and there's currently no fix


The flaw emerges from the way that Windows handles and renders fonts

Hackers can exploit it by tricking users into opening a malicious document

Microsoft said that a patch addressing the flaw should be released on April 14

However, most outdated Windows 7 systems will not receive such an update

Meanwhile, the tech firm has released a list of workarounds for users to employ


Microsoft says that hackers are exploiting a vulnerability in all current versions of Windows that lets them hijack users' computers — and there's currently no fix.


The security flaw — which the tech firm has given its highest severity rating of 'critical' — emerges in the way that Windows handles and renders fonts.


Hackers can exploit the vulnerability by tricking users into opening a malicious document — or viewing it in Windows Preview.


This allows malware — like ransomware — to then be remotely launched onto the victim's system.


It is unclear how many systems have been targeted by the attack — however, Microsoft have said a patch will likely be available on April 14.


'Microsoft is aware of limited targeted attacks that could leverage un-patched vulnerabilities in the Adobe Type Manager Library,' a spokesperson for the tech firm wrote in a security advisory published on the Microsoft website.


The vulnerabilities emerge, the firm explained, when the the Windows Adobe Type Manager Library improperly handles a specially-crafted multi-master font — the Adobe Type 1 PostScript format.


'There are multiple ways an attacker could exploit the vulnerability, such as convincing a user to open a specially crafted document or viewing it in the Windows Preview pane,' added Microsoft.

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.8561195   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli settlers storm West Bank village, beat residents with sticks and sharp objects


Israeli army accused of allowing settler attack which resulted in the skull fracture of a 49-year-old man and several other injuries


Israeli settlers stormed a Palestinian village in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday and injured several residents, resulting in the skull fracture of a middle aged man, residents told Middle East Eye.


Naji Tanatra, a father of six, also sustained internal bleeding after Israeli settlers attacked him and other residents in the Umm al-Safa village with sharp tools and wooden sticks.

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.8561278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1299 >>1365 >>1614

Facebook Just Donated 720K Masks to Healthcare Workers, but Where Did They Get Them?


As more and more cases of the coronavirus surface in the U.S., healthcare professionals around the country are facing shortages of essential supplies, such as face masks. In response to the growing need, designers like Christian Siriano have offered up their workrooms to make masks instead of couture gowns.


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg also announced on March 22 that his company is donating 720,000 masks to the cause, leading many to question why the social media giant was seemingly hoarding them in the first place.

Why does Facebook have masks?


As it turns out, the Menlo Park-based corporation had stockpiled the in-demand item for a different kind of national emergency: wildfires.


"Health workers urgently need more protective gear. To help, Facebook donated our emergency reserve of 720,000 masks that we had bought in case the wildfires continued," Zuckerberg wrote in a post, referring to California’s recent string of deadly disasters.

"We're also working on sourcing millions of more to donate," the billionaire shared. "I hope you're all staying healthy and safe!"

Around the same time, Tesla CEO Elon Musk confirmed that a shipment of donated masks from the electric vehicle and clean energy company was stuck at LAX airport.


Earlier that day, a delivery from Tesla containing 50,000 N95 masks and an unspecified amount of PAPR helmets arrived on the doorstep of Seattle physician Dr. Kristina M. Adams Waldorf after she requested help for the city, which is in the midst of a substantial COVID-19 outbreak.



Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.8561294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1388 >>1489

The Fed is a “Pickle”


Breaking news: The Wall Street casino created another all-time high for the Dow during the week ending February 14. Then it fell 35% in March.


The “pickle” description is explained below. Stay tuned.


The Federal Reserve is monetizing bonds—directly funding the federal deficit because congress and the administration spend more than their revenues. The coming recession will increase the shortfall, expand debt and force more monetization. Stagflation anyone?


Corporations, individuals and governments can ill afford higher interest rates. Expect the Fed to monetize at low interest rates to fund government expenditures. QE4ever is happening because it must.


What other gambles exist in the Wall Street casino?


The Fed bets it can monetize via QE4ever and create minimal consumer price inflation. If not, the BLS will massage statistics.

The Fed bets it can increase its balance sheet, aid hedge funds, feed Wall Street banks, please President Trump, buy off congress, and keep its position of power and influence. Based on a century of evidence, they can, for a while longer.

The Fed bets it can levitate the stock market and boost the economy long enough to reelect President Trump in November 2020.

The Fed “prints” currency units, and those currency units buy congresspersons, presidents, media corporations, the military-industrial-security complex and everyone important. The Fed is betting it will last nearly forever.

The Fed bets they can continue their “take from the poor and give to the rich” program of controlled dollar devaluation for many more years.

The Fed bets that “Federal Reserve Notes” are better than gold because they are “the only game in town,” even though gold retains its value and dollars buy less every year, as planned.

The Fed bets the existence of Fort Knox gold is irrelevant. Total value, at current prices, is less than $300 billion, and the Fed created more than $300 billion from thin air in the past several months.

The Fed bets it can plan to normalize their balance sheet, even though normalization would create a depression. Plans are not facts.

The Fed bets it can avoid deflation and manufacture enough, but not too much, consumer price inflation. Doubtful.




The politicians and economists at the Fed are gambling with the health of the economy, purchasing power of the dollar, individual savings, Fed credibility, pension funding, and retirements. The gamble will work poorly for most people, but the Fed will protect the political and financial elite.

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.8561317   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facial Recognition Companies Profit From COVID-19 By Adding Thermal Imaging


The biometrics industry has never been known to miss an opportunity to make a profit. Especially when it comes at the expense of everyone’s privacy.


Since the outbreak of COVID-19, facial recognition companies have been hard at work creating a new sales pitch that will allow them to maximize their profits.


Across the globe, facial recognition companies are hard at work trying to convince politicians, law enforcement and the public that thermal imaging cameras will help stop the spread of COVID-19. is all too eager to jump on the thermal imaging bandwagon, claiming that Athena Security’s facial recognition/thermal imaging software can scan 1000 people per hour.


“With Covid-19, you see the problem at airports today,” Athena Security CEO Lisa Falzone explains. “Passengers are waiting in lines to manually take their temperatures, which slows traffic down. With our technology, we can analyze 1000 people per hour.”


In fact, Athena Security has gone so far as to combine fever detection, facial recognition and gun detection into an all-in-one screening system.


“Our Fever Detection COVID19 Screening System is now a part of our platform along with our gun detection system which connects directly to your current security camera system to deliver fast, accurate threat detection – including guns, knives, and aggressive action. Our system can also alert you to falls, accidents, and unwelcome visitors.”


As points out, what makes Athena’s software so unique is their ability to send out real-time alerts to authorities.


“What’s different about Athena’s system, explains Falzone, is its ability to send out immediate alerts to the appropriate parties, who can then make an informed decision on how to act.”


The scariest thing about the proliferation of facial recognition/thermal imaging cameras is it gives law enforcement near god-like powers to identify and quarantine anyone they choose.


DroneUp suggests that law enforcement could use thermal imaging drones as an excuse to monitor people for COVID-19.


“Assurance is key in uncertain times. That is why DroneUp is functioning in conjunction with FAA regulatory precautions as we collaborate with state and local officials to ensure safety for all. We strongly encourage our fellow drone operators to also become keenly aware of the protocol and regulations as the pandemic evolves.”


That same scenario is being played out across the country, with more than 1,500 police departments using drones to monitor the public. In Michigan, the Hillsdale Sheriff’s Office recently purchased a DJI Matrice 210 drone equipped with thermal imaging.


Three police departments in particular have taken drone surveillance to a whole new level.

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.8561340   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Calling those who oppose totalitarian Covid-19 measures #COVIDIOTS is just another tactic by our sheepherders to shut down debate


People who raise doubts about the set up of a police state in response to Covid-19 are denounced as irresponsible idiots. But those who want to be locked down have no monopoly on wisdom, we must resist the locking down of debate.


At first, I could not believe what I was reading! The headline implored, ‘Lock Us Down: Suspend Habeas; Save the Nation’. The author Michael Dorf, a Cornell University Professor, was urging the US Government to suspend the rule of law.


Dorf acknowledged that suspending habeas corpus — which has been recognised as a fundamental feature of a free society — is an ‘extreme measure’, but he believes that it is a small price to pay for making people feel safe.


Unfortunately, the demand to close down society is not confined to a small number of authoritarian minded law professors. The entire Anglo-American media has become wedded to the idea that unless governments adopt extreme measures, humanity will face extinction. Anyone listening to the media or reading the press is left in no doubt that if the British Prime Minister doesn’t impose a harsh regime social control, he will be dumped by either his ministers or by popular pressure.

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.8561361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1386 >>1514 >>1600

MSNBC Issues Correction After Tweet Claiming 50% of the Population Could Die From Coronavirus


MSNBC has issued a correction after a shockingly absurd tweet that claimed 50% of the US population could die from the coronavirus.

The network’s social media account said that the quote, attributed to MSNBC pundit Chris Hayes, was an “editing error.”

The tweet originally quoted Hayes as saying “there is no option to just let everyone go back out and go back to normal if a pandemic rages across the country and kills 50% of the population.”

The correction said that Hayes had actually said “if a pandemic rages across the country and infects 50% of the population, and kills a percentage point, at the low end,” hypothetically.

Though this tweet may have been a misfire, Hayes has been one of the most alarmist and hyperbolic pundits out there.

During that segment, Hayes claimed that Republicans and Donald Trump are ready to kill a “million” senior citizens as a way of saving the economy from the coronavirus.


“And now, after about a week of that economic dislocation, as we continue to climb up the exponential curve of cases and of deaths, the President is now listening to voices on the right that say, ‘Really, what’s a million seniors when you’re thinking about the whole economy?’” Hayes said.


Hayes also claimed that coronavirus is just like air pollution — which he says conservatives also support.

“I should note: This has been a central conservative, right wing idea forever. It’s the same reason there are arguments for why we don’t need clean air regulations, even if tens of thousands of people die every year of lung disease from additional pollution. It’s just now it’s being applied in this extreme case in the midst of a global pandemic and a growing exponential curve,” he added

Anonymous ID: eda21d March 25, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.8561614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1630 >>1675



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