Anonymous ID: 27d0df March 25, 2020, 12:18 p.m. No.8561931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1935 >>1956 >>1967 >>1982 >>1990 >>1992 >>2010 >>2043 >>2049 >>2055

Q Makes a Post that might be related to Austin

3/21/20 around 9am EST Austin Steinbart posted a video with an explanation of why Q keeps posting the Ephesians scripture.

Starts around timestamp 10:00. Calls it a Q proof.

Q's post of the "Victory Of Life" song by Future World Music was at 22:32 the same night.


Q posted this exact video last November… plus the Ephesians, Armor of God scripture.

(TY to the anon that made this connection) >>8510747 (pb)


Please note that Austin posted his video Prior to Q’s only post on the same day.


Not saying it's proof, just a notable coincidence


Concerning the No Private outside coms post by Q

1) This post occurred when there were actual larps, confusing the board and Q cleared that issue up. Alex Jones (among others) were claiming to talk to Q. This was an answer to an anons question and otherwise, is out of context.

2) Twitter and You tube are hardly Private. Some conveniently leave (Private) out.

3) Q has continuously said that disinformation is necessary. I have included only one screen cap of these. 158 is good, 128is good, 88 and 78 are related.

4) In Q’s post 3/21/21, did he debunk Austin? No, in fact he provided a proof for Austin

5) Q made three posts on 3/23/20, and was asked about Austin from more than one anon. Q did not respond. Q has shut down larps before, why not now? If it is a matter of OPSEC, a disavow of Austin is easy. To directly say that Austin is legit is much more complicated


There is more, subjective, evidence that I have not included like: Why is his You Tube account still active considering the things he’s saying and asking people to do.

The Crumbs are piling up.

Think for yourself


Link to video below: 10:00ts