Anonymous ID: 4628d7 March 25, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.8561791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1920 >>2044

Daily reminder:


The current pandemic and the associated gaslit panic is a cabal protocol. Under a Clinton presidency, it would have been used as a catalyst to declare Martial Law and sieze power. Instead, it is being used for the obvious reasons that Q has detailed.

>End POTUS rally(s)?

>End POTUS econ gains?

>End POTUS unemployment gains?

>End POTUS [A, B, C, D, ……]?

>[weaken prior to P_elec?]

>Delay US/China trade negotiations?

>[China pref Biden[+VP] as P?]

>Shelter [Biden] public appearances?

>Shelter [Biden] debate(s)?

>Push new/revised P_2020 > vote by mail? [unsecure]


>Push [D] ‘wish list’ [unrelated] items CV Bill [voting amends]?


This was NOT initiated by Q team. Everything you are seeing POTUS do is a genuine reaction to the genuine disruption the cabal has introduced.

This will NOT be used by the Q team. "The Plan" is an incredibly carefully crafted game theory excercise that has played out over POTUS' first term. It's goal was to build a core base of awakened citizens, to instigate reactions in the enemy, and to communicate to other interested parties.

If you consider the carefully controlled structure of the Great Awakening, it would be very clear to you that using the current "lock down" to initiate arrests would be propagandic suicide, akin to slamming the final apex piece on top of a carefully constructed house of cards and toppling the whole thing in the process.

If they were willing to embrace terrible optics, abandoning careful and progressive public disclosure in favor of a sudden and heavy shock the psyche of most normies….this could have all been over with a long time ago.

As an anon, the best smell test you can have for the likelihood of something happening is to ask yourself: "Does this seem exciting, sudden, and almost unbelievable TO ME?" If the answer is yes, then it's probably time to re-evaluate. If it seems shocking to an anon, it would likely short circuit the average person, which again is defeating the whole purpose.

There will be plenty of shock for the public to experience along the way, but that will be cleared out of the way with progressive smaller arrests framed by factual disclosure. When the final hammer is falling, everyone (even normies) will react with "well, yeah, of course they need to die in prison / on the gallows." By that time, dropping the hammer will seem like an inevitable and necessary conclusion to a vast majority of onlookers (4-6% will still reject no matter what).

They are not going to allow cabal interference to dramatically change the timeline or overall goal of the plan.


Please just try to keep these points in mind when providing guidance or analysis to others. The Cabal WANTS us to intermingle their distractions with our understanding of the plan to cause confusion and fear. Don't fall into the trap.