Anonymous ID: 75e9d7 March 25, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.8562034   🗄️.is 🔗kun

COVID-19: Killer Virus — or Secret Military Operation?


Short article for your normie friends…full article link below.


Do you not find it strange how a virus which has infected and killed far less people than the annual strains of flu and cold viruses has been used to shut down so much of the world, herd people into a state of panic-stricken toilet-paper-hoarding madness and, in essence, usher in a form of martial law all across the United State and many other countries?


As of the time of this posting (March 22, 2020) – 30 American states have activated their National Guard units. There is even talk of deploying regular military personnel to cities like New York and Los Angeles. What are these soldiers going to do? Shoot the virus cells?


full article:

