Hanx, Masons, Gloves, Symbolism
I think these are fascinating slices of life. I [put captions]. "Give me five," that's one of them. Here's what I think. It's freezing cold outside, and it's no fun to have a bare hand when it's freezing cold. And yet, someone has lost a glove. That means half their life has disappeared for the course of the day. Sometimes they're pretty little knitted gloves, sometimes they're hard working … What is a better metaphor for the loneliness of the city? Of a single lost glove?
There is in this, of course, as there is in everything else which pertains to Freemasonry, a symbolism. The gloves given to the candidate for himself are intended to teach him that the acts of a mason should be as pure and spotless as the gloves now given to him. In the German lodges, the word used for acts is of course handlungen, or handlings, "the works of his hands," which makes the symbolic idea more impressive.
Dr. Robert Plott–no friend of Masonry, but still an historian of much research–says, in his "Natural History of Staffordshire," that the Society of Freemasons, in his time (and he wrote in 1660), presented their candidates with gloves for themselves and their wives. This shows that the custom still preserved on the continent of Europe was formerly practised in England, although there as well as in America, it is discontinued, which is, perhaps, to be regretted.
As with a handshake, gloves meant faith in the transaction or CONFIDENCE IN THE PERSON, so transactions of land or property could be made by handing over the symbol of a glove.
if you pick up a glove in ancient times it is suppose to bring BAD LUCK.
In English folklore picking up a glove should only be done by a lover. This dates back to the medieval era and the glove indicates the hope of love if it is picked up by someone you love.
To see a glove laying on the sidewalk indicates that something is trying to HIDE FROM YOU.
Gloves protect the hand. Therefore, protection is required.
As for other reasons, they were commonly being worn by the pharaohs who wore them as a symbol of their high special position in society.
Gloves had symbolic meaning in the knight's circle and if one handed a glove to the knights - they become a VASSAL of the person who gave the glove to him.