>>8561665 (LB)
ok. So I will say, I think I had it. No tests were done and I wouldn't have gone in unless I was really sick.
I am still extremely depleted from it although if I don't do anything, I feel pretty darn normal.
I started out about 1 1/2 weeks ago with a sore throat and cough. It was high up in my throat which is unusual for me. It was also a dry cough. Another strange thing for me. That lasted a bit over a week. I then had a headache that was one of the worst headaches I have ever had. I use to suffered migraines in my younger years.
I took all the meds(aspirin, soma, tramadol) I could to rid myself of the pain and I sort of got it to retreat. The next day, it was still there but barely. This went across my forehead by my eye brows and my eyes felt slightly affected by heat though I never had a fever.
The day the headache started was when I had breathing problems. I could feel my very upper chest affected. Not my lungs. I would try to do a few simple thing like walking and I was out of breath. I have never had that as a symptom before. I have an inhaler but very rarely use it. The last time was 2 years before this. I had to take 3 hits before I felt safe with my breathing but before that I was almost going to go to the hospital.
The next day I had to use it again. All day long but I felt better.
4 days after the initial headache and breathing problems I was feeling better. But still was depleted. I slept as I have never slept before and I still am.
I am three days past the worse of the symptoms and have not used the inhaler for those 3 days.
I still have a bit of a cough. When I try to do work, I feel fine but then I end up sleeping 10 hours at least.
I am an older Anon with a history of asthma when I get sick only.
The worst thing about this was wondering if I did indeed have it and if it was going to get really bad.
I took doses of vit c, zinc, tumeric.
Getting in a hot shower and steaming myself as long as I could, really helped.
I have had flu a couple times and the flu was so much worse than what I went through with this.
I don't think it was the flu because I didn't react as I had before. BUT. I simply don't know.
Whatever I have/had was in no way as bad as the flu I had.
This is still ongoing as far as recovery. It started 2 1/2 weeks ago, when I first noticed the scratchy throat.
Make of it what you will. I hesitated the last few days about saying anything. But, I finally thought to share, if it helps anyone. It was nothing like anything I have ever experienced.