No outside comms.
Fucking shrill repetitive redtext = definition of a shill.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo Mon 11 Dec 2017 12:23:09 4533cb No.73368
Do you believe in coincidences?
"Blunt & Direct Time"
Think currency.
Think fireworks.
Message delivered.
These people are sick!
CV Briefing from WH
in 11 min.
5pm edt
Let's examine POTUS' tie. Will we see something definitive?
What does it mean, if anything?
Possible decodes
vid → video
ch-03 opsec GO → set up Op Sec on Channel 3>>8562753
Secure device 1, affirmative
secure device 2, negative
secure device 3, affirmative; re-route confirmed
secure device 4 affirmative
secure device 5 negative
POTUS to use device 3, affirmative, yes.
secure device 3 online.
>secdev_b//e_[ ]
COG mentioned in LB stringer >>8562156
Pick out the letters between pairs of ^: r, a, y
>Flock1 > GO-S[C]IF
Democrats panic?
Patriots don't panic :-)
Just my thoughts. More stringers provide more context for better decodes. These might not be for us anyhow.
Thank you anon. Shit's getting real.
Watching for Pepe-colored tie (maybe),
Blunt & direct,
Q post while POTUS is speaking,
Clock is not my thing - cannot comment on what I don't understand.
Agree Q uses timestamps etc. as part of comms.
But I focus on different stuff.
Different flavor autist.