Anonymous ID: cd37ab March 25, 2020, 1:47 p.m. No.8562905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2925 >>2929 >>2934 >>2939 >>2942 >>2944 >>2947 >>2949 >>2953 >>2958 >>2959 >>2960 >>2961 >>2962 >>2967 >>2973 >>2986 >>2995 >>3009 >>3012 >>3023 >>3028 >>3029 >>3030 >>3061 >>3071 >>3075 >>3087 >>3106 >>3115 >>3138 >>3239




Kathy Griffin


He’s lying. I was sent to the #COVID19 isolation ward room in a major hospital ER from a separate urgent care facility after showing UNBEARABLY PAINFUL symptoms. The hospital couldn’t test me for #coronavirus because of CDC (Pence task force) restrictions. #TESTTESTTEST


Double Meaning for Here Comes The PAIN


Too Much Iron, Kathy???