Anonymous ID: 283cd1 March 25, 2020, 2:47 p.m. No.8563557   🗄️.is 🔗kun


fauci is an actor and his methods suck

we see right through his "i'm trying to do the correct scientific and safe process, but this bully won't let me"

his target audience, the leftist sheep, are too stupid to see through the gyspy pantomime routine

Anonymous ID: 283cd1 March 25, 2020, 2:50 p.m. No.8563600   🗄️.is 🔗kun


he's converted

and is holding out hope his former masters win

his performance is too contrived to be believable

cannot be a double agent or still cabal controlled with that

signals only, we see, cabal sees it, MI is in control

sheep clueless as usual to all of it