Anonymous ID: 5cbac7 March 25, 2020, 2:57 p.m. No.8563702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3725

Red Pill days


Are we in the STORM?


Think on White Squall


Black Hats, kun shills, will tell you the ship sinks, lives are lost and the Skipper is put on trial at end… the false end and granted, a real tragedy. True ending is the student/crew unites in support of skipper, Where We Go 1 We Go All, against legal brutes servicing Big Bucks grinding on petty ax. WWG1WGA takes on worth and truth, through peril, sacrifice and standing tall unity. Tell me, is not that these days. We are in the STORM, passing through the STORM. Peril is at hand, Sacrifices including ultimate sacrifices are being made. We are all inconvenient a little and mostly a lot as we argue, is it poorly conceived 'social distancing' or more a practical 'physical distancing'. I'll tell you, SCIENCE brains did not name that one all too good. They deserve  a bit of ridicule, coming down off high pedestal floundering with the rest of us in the milieu of our work-a-day worlds. Ships are floundering about to sink, businesses galore,  crews, employees, are scattering on wild wind and wave. Judgement is coming. 


In the midst of all of current PERIL, volunteerism excels, Congress even acts, at least maybe they act, a clear sign of WWG1WGA materializing,


Folks awake to new forming days looking for answers… great, ideal time to give them real QUESTIONS and DO NOT use Q. Leave Q out of it all. Courses on Q remain days if not years ahead. Pile on the nagging questions of these days, as Q has taught. Hand folks a head full of conundrums, ones that force them to see the world from a whole new angle, tossed into a raging sea full of white squall, fear of all is lost.


Why can I find no difference between China Communist Party and MSM, or Dems? Note, first focus off shore CCP, then bring it home. Their message to us sounds so much alike. The only dif is when China kicks a few out because they did not conform to Communist tyranny. Who is really in charge?


Did you notice the rush of Dem to form behind Biden and then suddenly this shut-down hits? Biden now hides behind a camera at home in his empty office unable to give one intelligent sound bite. The best he does is to tell Trump to do what Trump already did. Can you imagine Biden dealing with this International turmoil right now? Sure he would be loaded up on TP, stuffing down his own throat as more excuse to sound dumb and stupid? Are you ignoring the insanity of it all, the timing too?


Did you notice precisely as Pelosi took 33 days to meander Impeach45 to Senate, China was exploding with Virus and then once Senate flushed Impeach45, Virus hits full force? What did Pelosi know, what was she told? Did she know Pandemic was coming to give Trump his biggest nightmare and Dems biggest chance to take back WH with a Pandemic wrecked economy? 


The facts are Pandemic hits Seniors and men hardest. Is is not terribly convenient most of those groups overwhelmingly vote R, not D? Add the fact that 5 R Senators are, have been, sidelined, no Ds yet.  Dose MSM ever ask Schumer or Pelosi if they have been tested? Why at the start of this 'social distancing' did MSM pack in like sardines fearing nothing? Once POTUS started to talk malaria drugs why did MSM yell, NO, NO, NO, FOUL, FOUL, FOUL, loud, Louder, LOUDEST. Did POTUS hit them with what they already knew and were taking?. Notice how in Dem/MSM circles it is always the token one or two we get told had, or have exposure, and of course no details because of HIPAA protection. It is more like their sources that never existed in the first place. Paul, Pence and Trump are not hiding behind HIPAA. Does not it all lean terribly in favor of Dems?


How come Dems suddenly produced 1400 pages of 'stimulus' which amounts to their 2020 platform, in the middle and at the end, phase 3, of legislative chaos in the muck of pandemic panic? How long, and when did they start working on that monster? What did they know when? Remember Pelosi stalled Impeach. Did she stall it for the sake of Pandemic that hits R Voters and Administration hardest? 


Know the facts of what is out there, assimilate with stimulating Questions. Leave Q out of it. Keep it peer to peer. Just place the 'red bill' on table or counter, a pretty little new bobble to look at. Pour a drink for yourself. Leave human nature take course. Ration, one or two red pills a day. Is it not amazing Q said April showers, 2018, with plus signs (+++) and we know what they mean? Makes you wonder where monies might be coming from, next month. But that is advanced Q level, well above red pill grade. Enjoy the pop corn and please share, show not bug.