>>8562505 (Notable)
This is the deep state. The 2006 gaming law was BUSH'S law to crack down on unauthorized people getting rich. A LOT of people were making A LOT of money playing poker and they weren't as easy to control as actors, athletes, and businessmen.
The other big deep state power that gets ignored is the statutes of limitation. In rare cases (big drug cartels, global elite cartels) you actually need time to investigate and prosecute. More often than not, the statute is just another weapon in the pockets of the deep state. 10 years to bust a few people whose operation wasn't even illegal when they started it? Absurd.
Mandatory minimums + Huge statutes of limitations = Tyranny.
99% of drug defendants don't even get a trial by a jury of their peers as demand in our CONSTITUTION!!!!
When the storm is over, mandatory minimums and long statutes of limitations for victimless crimes need to end.