Anonymous ID: 48b61e March 25, 2020, 3:34 p.m. No.8564193   🗄️.is 🔗kun


By Martin Geddes, MSc Oxford University, self-described polymath

2245 words, 12 minute reading time, Dale-Chall Readability 13th-15th grade (easily understood by an average college student)


The "Deep State" supermafia is collapsing. Here are some pointers to give you a sense of the true enemy of humanity. Ignorance is extremely dangerous.


If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.

— Sun Tzu


We are in the final throws of a war against a supermafia that has plagued humanity for longer than we have records. This “Deep State” criminal network is a form of nationless dark power that has sickened all societies worldwide. It is like an unseen fungus or cancer in the intestines of human culture, and gorges itself on our energy for its own malignant ends.


To understand the Silent War (and present day events) demands making sense of the invisible enemy we are fighting. The exposure of this supermafia is not a symptom of a global collapse into chaos. Rather, the sighting of the true enemy of humanity is cause for celebration, for it is a precondition of victory.


Here are some pointers that I have picked up from my research over the last few years. They should give you a sense of the shape and methods of this supermafia. Take them as being provisional: I am not an all-knowing sage, and I have no “insider” or privileged knowledge. Just a guy with a laptop — and lots of curiosity.


Hive structure scales well


In my previous incarnation as a telecoms expert, I wrote about Recursive Internet Architecture (RINA). RINA outperforms the design of the current Internet — TCP/IP — in every dimension, except one: TCP/IP is deployed everywhere already, which makes RINA adoption “unthinkable”.


The Deep State has a Hivite culture, which is a bit like RINA. It is “cellular” (a hive) and “recursively layered” (a pyramid), and hence it scales well and “fails well”. This is unsurprising — cybernetics tells us this needs to be so via Viable system theory. This also explains why the focus on “conspiracy theories” is a distraction, because what matters are architectures of criminal cultures.


As with RINA, the Deep State’s “recursive” method of operations are “unthinkable” to those who have only experienced the mass media “flat” information monoculture. It is like explaining blockchain applications to someone whose only experience of computing is punched cards. There is a mismatch of the levels of architectural sophistication.


Antifragile doctrines for longevity


The Deep State supermafia has its own religion — the Cult of Osiris — with doctrines that have helped it endure. (The “Lindy effect” is a kind of “theory of evolution” for cultural memes and their longevity.) A critical doctrine is “revelation of the method”, which means telling your victim what you plan to do to them beforehand.


This is seen in their psychopathic morality as a means of getting “malinformed consent”. That it is not fully informed is deemed the victim’s problem. From the perspective of the perpetrator, they were given fair warning, so have no reason to wriggle out of whatever deal with the devil was on offer.


More deeply, if the victim does react, you have a “stressor” to your system that allows you to learn how to adjust to stay unseen. Just as airline safety paradoxically improves with every crash, because their causes are always investigated, “covert power” gains ever more “safety from discovery via enhanced stealth” from every failure of “revelation of the method”.


This is an antifragile scaling property which has allowed their parasitic culture to persist over millennia.


Mutually assured destruction via blackmail


To gain access to this supermafia — whose tentacles run through endless familiar and trusted institutions — you need to pass the “entrance exam”. This involves disclosing your darkest secrets, and doing illegal acts that bind you to their system of crime. The arrival of photography and videography has turbocharged these blackmail networks in the last century.


Places like Epstein Island are blackmail centres. Paedophilia is a “basic level” activity to gain kompromat. As you seek access to higher levels of criminal power, you have to perform more depraved acts. There are images I don’t want to be responsible for putting in your head. The time will come for the public to know, and there will be a managed process of disclosure.


The consequence of this blackmail is that everyone “in the club” knows that everyone else is blackmailed. In the same way that a VISA or Mastercard logo on a retailer window is a trustmark for a legitimate commerce network, they have a “reverse trustmark” for a global crime network….


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