Words of Wisdom from ?
Did you forget who talks to us on EndChan?
Who Really Talks to us on EndChan?
'Day Shift
feelz GOOD
Night Shift, going for hourz at a time
learned about energy; limitations
spend energy wisely
much to be done in a day
help here and there
keep up w Life, kek (bills, etc)
easier when moar help
imagine if a million help
might need moar than a mil
oh well, get to work; think strategy
apply, monitor results
soon ds be around to turn things off, kek
oh well, spoopy game, hoping for a peaceful End.
Channel, signal, back, forth, Timelines, debates, over (game).
Check, your move.
Our move next.
We hold our move until Nov, when the Silent Majority is moar United.
Work Together, like our MIL.
Thank God for our MIL.
Why would any1 want to betray America, a Country that wants Justice for ALL?
Oh yeah, greed.
simple causing the most complex; spygate, explain it; 'you sound crazy'
PROOFS are important.
Memes are important.
For each other, do the work; hold the lines
Normie, take this shovel; join us
Godspeed ALL.'
-Raids are great and all, but work best when we all join together
-Share the kun Notables all the time.
-Join Twitter and help spread the truth
-learn how to interact on twitter and avoid bans
-Join all the Social Channels (You) can.
#GodBless The Patriots that have taken up the Flag and Charged into the Dark Night!
>Google Filters down, how long till obama tribal attire makes the ranks?