Meh. Wake bu up when it hits $25.
>how did this account predict so closely to the date
We still have 2 months before we know if he's correct or not. ''A lot'' needs to happen in the next 2 months.
To make money trading individual stocks you need either inside information, automated high-frequency capability, of an ability to analyze the stock and market conditions better than the big guys*. I don't have any of those things. And if you're asking then you probably don't either.
Always remember: There is a sucker at every poker table. If you look around and don't see one then it's probably you.
*Or if you're running a pump-and-sump scam.
>The Democrats Hates America
I have 900oz to sell. But I'm not letting go of it at current prices.
Or maybe it's just that 1) they interact with more people, so they are more likely to catch it, 2) they're more likely to go running to their private doctors at every sniffle, 3) those doctors run the test for every little sniffle, while these test are typically only run for normal at-risk patients due to limited kit availability, 4) you hear about it more for celebrities.
But don't let me talk you out of you contaminated-blood theory.