Anonymous ID: e7a2a1 March 25, 2020, 5:10 p.m. No.8565366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5422

#'s & stuff anon noticed during presser.

(pics related ;-)


3400 very quickly

250,000 unembenifits

100% 4 months

100 billion drs nursing

45 billion Disaster relief

double up- gonna be prepared for future issues?

27mill prep national stockpile

9.4 mill

150- mark




almost 6000

4000 to ny

16 bil personal proctct gear



  • we have a test that's a very high level test more tests than anybody by far?


ban on stock buy backs

not that rough of a patch

gonna take off like a rocket

"stock pile depleted like everything else"

potus pointing out he's putting $$ where [they] were stealing it

no more bs bonuses at workers expense for execs!

business was good till hidden enemy (shadow gov/DS) tanked economies w/ corny wuflu

immediately segues into talks w/ heads of NPO's (thinking he means George Soreass & etc)

unwaving an unwavering?


"Everyday heroes including the people behind me"

These people are Amazing people

thousands & thousands of instances of Americans heeding the call to help

We all have a role to play in winning this Great National Battle, really it's a WORLDWIDE battle, alotta Countries in BIG trouble(5eyes).


Munuchin reinforces only get money if you keep paying workers

Money direct to the people

Day & Night… Dark v. Light?

LOANS, if needed, money's coming back.

Mentions EU specifically

[They're] all playing games against us

"Allies" have taken advantage of U.S. the most

Financial Abuse via NATO/trade

Robert Levinson -sick for a long time, doesn't accept rumors of his death


re: MSM… certain people in msm want this crises to worsen, want America shut down, want to blame POTUS for [Their] failures & purposeful tanking of U.S. businesses/economic outlook.


Idiot reporter w/ flashy hands quotes a Harvard professor re: testing every1 & finishes w/ how many acceptable deaths (POTUS: NONE!)… what an OBVIOUS cunt, making veiled threats as he's "asking questions"

Idiot reporter continues to dig his own grave.

We did in 8 days what SK did in 8weeks

Foreign reporter suspiciously asks about sanctions & borders.

164 miles of big beautiful WALL… kek POTUS

35 mil - 10=25 Kennedy center request done by dems approved by POTUS love 2c Romeo & Juliet?


WHO Q: A lot of people are helping/giving preference to chicom.

Cutting off China early on saved 1000's of live… were they purposefully spreading disease?


They want/wanted to shut shit down for 3 yrs?

POTUS reiterating this shut down is a DS attack


Nice tie POTUS!