In order to mitigate the upcoming brain-melting reality shock the majority of knuckle-dragging normies are about to go through, I have set out to put together a 1 pager with summary evidence of what we're going through and why.
I am steering it away from the darkest of the dark. We can't take these people straight to the pinnacle of the mountain we have to walk them there slowly, many stops along the way. In an attempt to give normies an intro to reality I put together the following but WOULD LOVE TO OPEN THIS UP TO HIGHER RANKING ANONS.
Story so far:
1) Video of Donald Rumsfield on 9/10/2001: Announces missing $2.3Trillion
2) Why would they announce this the day before 9/11? Coincidence?
3) Weirdness with 9/11
4) US Dropping out of Paris Climate Accord. Stats on falling carbon emissions, 2019 biggest record breaking drop in recent history. As media freaks out about 'muh environment, oh muh environment' stats looking okay.
5) Who audits these organizations? No one? Insiders? How much money goes to these silly false causes?
6) Nancy Pelosi makes $200k/year. Given she made that over a 40 year career (not true at all) she would have a net worth around $8million. How is she worth $100million+. How is that even possible.
7) OHHHH It's all about stealing your money. Lets go further
8) Who else is wealthy? What capabilities does wealth allow to you?
9) Fall of Cabal Part1-5 (
Skip to 25:30 when they talk about George Soros. Video details specifics of how the migrant crisis and other movements like antifa and black lives matter are all paid for and are all fake
11) Anderson Cooper- Gloria Vanderbilt connection
12) MK Ultra ties to almost all media.
13) How does a cult work?
This right here is about as far as I can get sometimes before cognitive dissonance destroys any productive conversation.
By keeping this about money and stealing your taxpayer dollars normies will perk up but you start talking about crimes against children and everyone shuts down.
Anyone want to add to basic first steps for normies? This cannot be a time to say I told you so we must do our part to help.