>>8565061 PB
The courthouse was the Chatham County Courthouse in Pittsboro NC.
>>8565061 PB
The courthouse was the Chatham County Courthouse in Pittsboro NC.
The masons in my family still think this move is the masonic dimocrats stretching out the economic crash of the US and will further serve to put the final nail in DJT coffin for re-election. They were cheering to hear the US borrowed another 2 trillion to waste on pork projects. I hope Q plan is coming together I am soooo sick..of liberals and masons in my family, Lock them up..lock them all up!
Didint he know the hospitals are empty???
A jet mechanic specialist in communication systems (computer controls) stationed in a FL naval station had the assigned of adjusting the communication systems controlling the mix rate for 6 tanks in the fuselage on all-white aircraft with no N numbers or markings at all. Each tank had its own communication system and were constantly checked, altered or adjusted. Now my question to you is, why would you come here and make up a story about the military caring about whether the "contrail" lingered or evaporated quickly? Who would believe such a story? True is contails are water vapor created by the leat of the jet as it passes through the air at high speed, chemtrails are chemicals they spray from jets at high altitude to poison people and grows below slowly so they can not be blamed for the illness and deaths that will happen in years to come. Much like adding fluoride to the water or GMOs to foods.
This is code for her mom is busted by people investigating pizzagate. Otherwise, this tweet would be simple fear about what people MIGHT do at some future time and she loves her mom and does want to see her hurt. How would her mom be hurt by something that hasnt even happened?? I think she was grateful to hosp staff that were giving her blood. Of course she was doing it, all supply lines had dried up and she needed blood to drink. Third, the cops will tie this into their pizzagate investigation and give her the death penalty. She will miss her mom after the fed's execute her.