I'll give her a 7+.
Speaking of Podesta. Did PDJT ever reveal the young girl who Mike Milley @ co rescued.
There is synchronicity even in Revolutionary Wars. Not bragging just fact.
Mark Alexander Milley Born June 18, 1958 Winchester, Massachusetts
John Francis Kelly Born May 11, 1950 Boston, Massachusetts
Joseph Francis Dunford Jr Born December 8, 1955 Boston, Massachusetts
I think Joseph Dunford help convince Donald Trump to run. Three most important states in the 1st Revolutionary War MA, NY, RI (for fighters). Then came Virginia and Pennsylvania (for statesmanship).
She's young and scared. The older ones are scared but they have more experience. This is what you call the unraveling.
LOL. Of course. He owns mansions, has a bank account in the GB digits, heir to the crown. This is getting comical. It's like when all these people went to restaurants and claimed to be lactose intolerant. I say just go. Ride off into the sunset and be gone.
Any reports of the most vulnerable people in our major cities getting corono? The homeless. The ones who do not social distance and eat from alley way dumpsters and sleep in the streets? Need to check.
He has a beautiful mind. Not like that twisted guy in the movie.
Is Roscoe White's son Rickey still around? He had all courage and info and then a few days later came the Gulf War and it was swept under the rug.
Probable not a good idea setting a trap by putting 350 million people on edge.
Complete the picture. WH daughter. They look like twins?
Yea sure you do. Whatever pain you have isn't coronovirus. You are swing at nothing. At least your in a hospital where you belong.
I'll take a hard pass on that.