Who Is Acting?
We've heard that actors are playing parts during this GA/Storm. Has anyone given thought to just who is acting, for what purpose? I mean, REALLY acting! Suppose some individuals we have pegged as absolute vile filthy DS/cabal dirtbags are in fact, white hats who agreed a long time ago to play that role?
It's clear that POTUS has been playing the role of cocky, harangued CEO, taking all the heat while outflanking the DS. Who might be doing a masterful job of playing the DS villain? To keep the deluded Dem sheep asleep and in line until the time is right, they must believe they are making strides somehow, that they have control.
Many in the media are likely suspects for playing a role. Including CNN and MSNBC? What about key Dem politicians? No fucking way can I believe HRC, her dopey husband, Obama and Joepedo are acting, but what about someone as seemingly vile as Nancy Pelosi? Truly a stretch, there. What about someone like Kamala Harris? There has to be someone from their camp who has agreed to help the kindly, but brainwashed Dems through the brutal deprogramming they are going to face. What about the suddenly sensible Dem Governors like Cuomo and Newsome?
What about Hwood characters that have been taking a lot of heat from us? Hanx? Patton Oswalt? His first wife was a serious crime investigator. Patton is a smart guy. If this plan has been underway for decades, the white hats certainly had time to help develop a number of people in entertainment and govt for exactly this job at this time.
At this point, nothing would surprise me in the least.