that is the antifa guy who shot up the federal building and got shot i think by guys in the parkinglot across the street.. cant 'member what city.
>>8566087 PB
Laura just mentioned. 39 weeks. I was reading this whole section as she said it!!!
Section 2102 is the Unemployment Section begins on pg 84. People can collect Unemployment Benefits for max 39 weeks. If you get your job back you go back to work.
sexy sixes checked!!!
1,031 deaths. USA at ~ 1,47%. But we are testing 30,000 a day. at 400,000 tested as of today. I think besides NYC and LA the rest of country in a few days will be on the downswing.
Public transportation in NYC and the homeless camps in LA and SF will get hammered.
good pickup. We have had a mild Winter this year. I think this is what made this flourish in USA. January in North East had 65 degree days.
Russia has freezing winters. you are onto something!!!
he was singing that to Woody
i linked the wrong country. Here is Russia stats