how 'bout now?
just saying'….
doesn't mean he didn't have siff….or whatever….lettuce let go of things from he past and look towards the future
"best president since Reagan" - sorry Lindsey. Wrong.
"since JFK?" - uhhhh…..guess again….
"Lincoln?" - nope
"the OG GW?" - ballsy like that, yeah…
circumstantial evidence : sometimes very damning ; in light of science (oh, holy science!!) …and what we know about the 'fetus' …would it not behoove 'the slut' to turn her pipes off, have some eggs collected in case she changes her slutty mind….and wants to be a mom….but they want to keep pumping out abortions like Christopher Walkin in the "i need more cowbell" skits. Now why is that? Oh normie, out there….can you wrap your mind around that? probably not
congress is done….elections are canceled…."4-year election " yields Q posts #2494, 2628, 2676, 3464, 3702, 3881 : it is not another 4-year election, for sure : work on that song, book, etc, you have been wanting to write as the time is now
it is theatre….this government has failed and your governors are your fiefs…