Anonymous ID: 1e513c March 25, 2020, 9:07 p.m. No.8567804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7829


Thanks bread man


" BEHOLD A PALE HORSE – William Cooper


" communism is the work of the Illuminati. They failed to realize that the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are also the work of the Illuminati. You MUST begin to think correctly. The enemy is not communism, it is Illuminism. The Communists are not going to be much happier with the New World Order than we.I hope to show that most modern secret societies and especially those that practice degrees of initiation — and that is the key — are really one society with one purpose. You may call them whatever you wish — the Order of the Quest, the JASON Society, the Roshaniya, the Qabbalah, the Knights Templar, the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, the Jesuits, the Masons, the Ancient and Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis, the Illuminati, the Nazi Party, the Communist Party, the Executive Members of the Council on Foreign Relations, The Group, the Brotherhood of the Dragon, the Rosicrucians, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Open Friendly Secret Society (the Vatican), the Russell Trust, the Skull & Bones, the Scroll & Key, the Order — they are all the same and all work toward the same ultimate goal, a New World Order.''

Anonymous ID: 1e513c March 25, 2020, 9:37 p.m. No.8568029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8039 >>8042 >>8095

Can you imagine what will happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and the stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the markets, some people disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time? Can you imagine? The world power structure can, and will if necessary, make some


178 • BEHOLD A PALE HORSE - William Cooper


or all of those things happen to bring about the New World Order


( Be ready anons , for a second attack wave by cabal ….. just as we are winning against Chyna Flu )

Anonymous ID: 1e513c March 25, 2020, 9:45 p.m. No.8568088   🗄️.is 🔗kun


WC say no way


" The Council on Foreign Relations controls our government. Through the years its members have infiltrated the entire executive branch, State Department, Justice Department, CIA, and the top ranks of the military. EVERY DIRECTOR OF THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY HAS BEEN A MEMBER OF THE CFR. MOST PRESIDENTS SINCE ROOSEVELT HAVE BEEN MEMBERS. The members of the CFR dominate owner- ship of the press and most, if not all, of America's top journalists are members. The CFR does not conform to government policy. The government conforms to CFR policy. The appendix contains the most current list of CFR members that I was able to locate.