If reincarnation is real Trump is Patton. I wonder with all the mirrors to Abe in JFK's assassination could that mean they think he was Lincoln reincarnated?
That man understands Battle better than anyone in the world, being aware of you past lives helps a lot with that.
Yeah I think that's timestone related not reincarnation related. Wouldn't bet on it though.
People have really been looking at me messed up lately, I think they can tell by my body language that I'm not afraid people are going to randomly cough up infected blood on me. Like they really think there's something wrong with me from my lack of stress.
Fishman is maybe how the Nephilim survived the flood?
White Bronco
such a fag, doing the shills work for free..such a fag.
I'm not sure he's oging to last that long. Really deteriorating fast.
Technically he's just saying he's not part of the 'Q' operation which is true probably.
They didn't have material bodies before Satan tricked them - I guess the reason was he wanted to harvest Eve's dna (he only wanted Eve not Adam) to create his artificial creatures on Earth.
Because the celecrities are starting to realize it's real and are in the death blossom stage.