Its not about lust. Its about uncensored, freedom of speech.
What makes this place special is that nobody is here to tell you what you can or cannot say.
What makes this place special is that nobody is here to tell you what you cannot post.
What makes this place special is the anonymity.
Free them? They are free God gave them freewill as he gave us all.
Rules are out the window in subvert city.
We got to this point because of the root of all evil. Not because of perfect creation. God didn't create clothes, he created man. Man doesn't have a very good track record with his own creations.
Do you think God wanted man to create clothing? If God wanted man to have clothing he would have created clothes. If we hadn't eaten from the tree of knowledge, we wouldn't be wearing clothes.
Fantastic news!! The redheaded beauties I post are fully clothed! All the other redheaded beauties posted here are wearing extra clothes! Glad we have settled that debate. I gotta get back to work.
I answered your question with socratic method. Someone else who posts to this very board does the same thing. Their name starts and ends with a Q.